The hardest choice

24 4 17

I lean on the railing of the balcony, breathing in the fragrant warm air. I do not want to be here. I do not want to see that bastard flirting with my girl and not be able to say or do anything and I do not want his sex starved wife groping me under the table.

My mind is working at top speed, trying to figure out how we can get away, but I have no idea.. honestly I have a feeling this is not a friendly dinner.. it is the generals way of slowly torturing us.. that man won't let us just go.

Maybe we can slip out of here in the dead of the night ? It doesn't seem much plausible, but it seems the best idea I can come up with.

Arms wrap around me, hands sliding up my chest and for a short second I think it is Luna. But I realise who it is and turn, slipping sideways. "Consuela.. hi".

"Hi". She gives me what I guess is supposed to be a seductive smile. "We.. all alone".

"Uhn yeah.. Maybe we should go back inside". I say, scooting away as her hand reaches for me.

She stalks closer, like a bedazzled panter, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips. "Or we could .. enjoy time alone".

"Sorry, but you are married, your husband is just in there". I shake my head. I am unsure how to do this, I don't really want to offend her, that could be dangerous.

"My husband.. he do not.. care". She huffs. "He is gonna fuck that hussy tonight, so me.. no matter".

I shake my head. "Luna ? No.. and she is not.. a hussy".

"Oh my husband get who he want.. no choice". She shrugs. "Women like rich men yeah.. he want her, he get her".

"No, he does not get her". I snear, unable to control my feelings. I take a deep breath. "Luna will not sleep with your husband, she is not like that".

She giggles. "Oh you think yourself .. enamorado.. with her. That sweet. But as say, my husband want a pussy, he gets".

Anger and panic curse through me, most of all because I know she is right. The general is not a man to take no for an answer. Will Luna even have a choice ? He can basically rape her, it's not like we can call the cops.

"Forget her.. I be nice to you". She snuck up on me while I was unattentive, her hands on my chest. "You so strong and handsome.. I make you happy".

"Thanks.. but no thanks". I try to move back, but I am already pressed against the railing. "I .. am not in the mood".

Her long nails glide along my collar bone. "Man like you.. nah.. real man always in mood".

I feel very much cought between a rock and a very hard place, every fiber in me want to push her away, but I am scared her husband won't respond very nicely to that, how weird it may sound in my own head.

"I suck you, yes". She purrs.

"Uhm no". I look over the railing, wondering if it isn't preferable to just jump.

I already want to puke, having this nasty man trying to flirt with me, but after Zac has disappeared and that cheap ass whore followed him I am about to burst out of my own skin.

"You look very sexy in that dress". The general tells me, even if he speaks spanish it feels so wrong that he says things like that in front of my cousin and Tom. "I could give you many dresses like that, jewellery, sports cars".

I shake my head. "No thanks.. I have my own money, I do not need gifts".

"A strong woman.. I like". He grins. "They make feisty lovers".

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