Shark food

23 2 1

3 days later
"So for the next couple of weeks, nothing but water". I mumble. We are about one day out, having decided to cross now, heading for Europe.

"We will have a lot of time we need to... spend". Zac, who is laying beside me on the sun bed murmurs, raising an eyebrow.

I nod. "I have brought my knitting things, and I know Aurora brought some books of poetry. Tom might have some Shakespeare ..."

"Knitting ? Poetry ? Shakespeare ?" He huffs. "I have brought something much more... pleasurable... And it's great for fun games".

"Fun games". I smile at him. "I am sure the others will love to join us".

He is on me in a flash, chuckling. "Oh you naughty naughty girl... you know exactly what I meant".

I love this, the sun, the fresh ocean breeze, not a care in the world, except for how to spend the time with my amazing and very sexy boyfriend.

"Of course I did, but seriously Zac... we can't have sex none stop for almost two weeks". I say, slowly rubbing my hands on his strong shoulders.

"Why not ?" He grins. "I mean your cousin and Tom have not shown their faces at all today".

I groan. "I do not want to imagine... anything".

"I love to imagine things... you naked for instance... jumping on a trampoline". He grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

I slap his shoulder. "You are a weirdo".

"But I am your weirdo...right ?" We are almost nose to nose.

"Yes, my weirdo... definitely my weirdo". I kiss his nose.

He kisses me softly, a soft little humming sound leaving his chest, making me smile on his lips.

"Oh isn't this just precious... rich happy people thinking the world revolves around them". A voice suddenly sounds behind us.

Zac turns to sit up. "Excuse me ?

"I think you heard me". Enrique says, his voice dripping with disdain.

Zac gets on his feet. "What is your problem ?"

"I am just so tired of you rich folks, thinking you are something special... girls parading around like they want something, but they are just teasing". He spits.

I place a hand on Zac's arm, scared he might jump him...he takes a deep breath. "It's gonna be some long weeks then... Maybe you want to take the row boat and paddle back before we get too far out".

"Oh sure". Enrique laughs. "Or I could throw you guys in the row boat and set you adrift... Nah too close to land, someone might find you".

I feel Zac tense a lot and take a step forward. "Yeah, on behalf of Aurora, I think you are fired... like five minutes ago".

"Buhu...okay then". Enrique rolls his eyes. "I think not. I have places to be... to deliver a yacht".

"What ?" I say. "That's your plan, stealing the yacht ?"

I am getting a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He shrugs. "Stealing, commandeer... whatever you want to call it".

"Call it whatever you want, but it's not gonna happen". Zac says, stepping towards Enrique, then he stops, stomp his foot and curses. "The fuck... is pointing guns at me like the new black ?"

"Oh believe me I have wanted to shoot you right from day one". Enrique hisses.

Zac is so tense he looks about to turn into the Hulk or something. "Yeah, creepy... just a bit of a creepy kink you know".

"Arg". Enrique curses in spanish. "Always thinking you are fun and clever... seriously, I have done everything to get you idiots out of the way... Cuba and sending you into Colombia with a wrong turn...".

"I knew I didn't hear wrong, you freaking liar". Tom's voice sounds from behind. He is alone, no Aurora in sight.

Enrique kinda half turns, so he can keep an eye and his gun on both Zac and Tom. "I was surprised you didn't call me out right away... but better for me this way".

"But why now... while still this close to land ?" Zac asks.

"I heard that one told his wife he was suspicious". Enrique nods towards Tom. "And I had the opportunity of eliminating Chris from the equation... so I took it".

I gasp. "Chris ? Is he... okay ?"

Enrique ignores me, but waves his gun. "So come along... I need to tie you up until I can get rid of you all".

"Really... you think we are just gonna come with you ?" Zac huffs.

Tom ads. "You are outnumbered here you know".

"I have a gun". He looks at Zac. "You wouldn't want me to shoot that pretty girlfriend of yours would you ?"

"Typical dickless loser, let's threaten to hurt the woman". Zac sneers angrily, stepping in front of me.

Enrique snarls and turns more towards Zac, tightening his grip on the gun. "Oh I am happy to threaten you too".

"Come on then... but be a man lets handle it man to man, no guns or other weapons. Zac says, straightening his back. "But I guess you are scared".

"Scared ?" Enrique chuckles. "No but I am not dumb... I have the upper hand...".

Suddenly Tom moves forward, grabbing Enriques hand with the gun. "Oh you think you do... let go".

"Idiot". Enrique hisses, elbowing Tom with a rather sickening sound.

Zac tries to get close, but the hand with the gun waves around wildly, aimed in our direction.

Then Zac half turns, grabbing me and pulling me with him down on the deck, I land hard on my hip, letting out a pained groan. But it turns out to be a really good choice, as the gun goes off, the bullet flying over us.

"Are you okay darling ?" Zac asks with worry in his voice.

I nod. "Yeah... I am fine".

"I need to help Tom". Zac says, and I know he is asking my permission to put himself at risk.

Again I nod, I mean I want Zac to stay safe, but I can't tell him not to help Tom. Aurora would be crushed if something happened to Tom. And he looks groggy, as Enrique had managed to hit him hard over the head, when the shot distracted him.

He gives me a quick kiss and gets up. My eyes go to Tom and Enrique struggling and I realise Tom needs Zac's help. There is no doubt he is in trouble.

But before Zac can do anything I watch in horror as Tom throws himself at Enrique who pulls some kind of karate-like move and launches Tom over the railing of the yacht.

"Tom !" Zac runs forward.

"Stop !" Enrique points his gun at Zac. "Back off, the sharks will handle him".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now