Mrs sexy soldier or Mrs sexy actor ?

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"No stop, don't hurt him". Luna screams, which partly makes me happy, I mean the fact that she wants to save me. "I'll do whatever you want.. just.. don't hurt him".

I am on my feet, grabbing her hand. "Luna no.. you can't".

"I can't let them hurt you". She squeezes my hand, giving me a weak smile. "I will manage, if I just know you are okay".

"I can't let you do this baby". I desperately try to hold onto her. "I just can't".

Her hand comes up to gently touch my cheek. "You are not letting me, love.. I am choosing to". Miguel grabs her other arm, dragging her off. "I love you Zac".

"I love you too Luna, always". I feel her finger slip off my skin, and it's like they leave a hollow pain behind.

"Lock them in a room". Miguel barks over his shoulder, as he pulls Luna with him inside and up the stairs, most likely to the main bedroom.

Two of the soldiers, starts waving their riffles and we move along, leaving an annoyed looking Consuela behind on the balcony.

As we get to a door, one of the men steps up in front, opening the door.. while the other stays behind us. I look at Tom, and see resolve in his eyes. So I give a small nod towards the man in front of us, getting a small nod in return.

I wait, till the guy in front starts to turn, saying something to the man behind us. I get ready, then yell. "Now Tom".

"Que !" The man behind me say in surprise, as I suddenly grab the rifle, pushing the barrel up, hoping he won't fire as it would not only burn my hand badly, but probably alarm other guards.

I have no time to see what Tom does, I have to focus on yanking the rifle from his hand, smashing the butt of it in his face, making him crumple to the floor.

"Tom ?" I ask as I quickly drag the guy inside, closing the door.

"Yeah". He mumbles.

I turn to see him holding a kind of vase in his hands, the soldier is out cold on the floor.

Tom looks at the vase. "I thought it would break".

"Well, lucky for the vase". I shrug. "It worked".

"Are you two insane.. Do you like to be shot Zac ?" Aurora presses out through her teeth in that yelling kinda whisper only women can do.

Tom puts down the vase. "We have to save Luna''.

I nod in agreement. "We do.. I do.. Tom you need to get Aurora out of here".

"I should go with you". Tom says, looking around nervously.

I shake my head. "No, we can just walk up there.. this place has guards everywhere".

"Can't walk.. Zac what are you planning to do ?" Aurora asks.

"Climb to the upstairs balcony, go in through the window". I look out the window. "I have to hurry".

I lean down, grabbing a knife from one of the guys, and hands Tom the rifle. He looks at it. "You are not bringing this ?"

"No, it would weigh me down climbing and also if I fire it will attract guards". I sigh. "So only shoot if you have no choice".

"Where do we meet up ?" Tom asks, slinging one rifle over his shoulder, giving Aurora the other.

I think for a short moment. "Right inside the forest, where we got into the field.. wait for about an hour, then leave.. and if you feel pressured or in danger, leave.. promise me that Tom".

He glances at Aurora. "I promise". He places a hand on my arm. "Be careful Zac.. don't get shot okay ?"

"I shall try''. I give him a small grin.

I watch nervously as Zac swings himself through the window and start climbing slowly up a drain piper to the balcony above, which we assume is connected to the main bedroom.

"He is rather.. agile, for a man his size". I mumble, leaning out the window.

"Uhm darling, not the time to drool over Zac, we need to get going". Tom is moving towards the closed door.

I follow him. "Also not the time to be jealous, my love".

"I just..". He turns. "I am not really jealous.. it's just.. once again he gets to be the hero and.. I get to.. run".

"Tom". I step up to touch his arm. "You are my hero, not only now but every day".

He leans in to give me a quick kiss. "And that is the most important".

Opening the door at a crack, he holds up his hand, telling me to wait and I do, staying with a held back breath, until he returns. "The hallway and the next room is free, let's go".

I grab his hand and follow him, moving as soundless as possible down the hall.

When we get to the second hallway, we hear the sound of footsteps and Tom quickly presses me into a niche covering me with his body.

"Maldito bastardo". Consuela mumbles as she passes, and my guess is that she is not happy with her husband.

When she is gone, Tom steps back, but I can't help but grab him, kissing him softly. "Is it weird that this is kinda exciting".

"Ehh hehe". He chuckles. "But can we please hold onto the feeling till we are safe, then feel all free to use the adrenaline.. positively".

I slap him softly on the shoulder, then take his hand. We slowly make our way through the silent house. I wonder where Luna is and if Zac will get to her in time. But I also need to focus, to make my senses sharp.

We make it to the side door, without running into anyone else. But outside the door is an armed guard and a camera. "Shit ! What do we do ?" Tom whispers.

There is no way we can get out without the guard seeing us, we have to try another tactic.

"Let me distract him". I say.

"Are you sure ?" He still speaks in a whisper. "It could be dangerous".

I nod. "I can't let you guys take all the risk, and also there is a lot less chance he will just shoot me on sight compared to you".

"You are right". He nods. "Okay, leave the door open, and try to make him turn his back on it".

I take a deep breath, hand my weapon to Tom and open the door, the man snapping around pointing at me with the rifle in his hands, saying something in spanish.

"Hi there, I seem to be a bit lost.. I was looking for the kitchen". I rub my stomach. "Hungry you know.. but this is clearly not the kitchen".

The man waves his rifle again, half yelling at me in spanish as I move around him, casually, making him turn with me. I am scared, yes, but I manage to swallow it.

"Oh I love spanish.. so sexy". I purr, then I step closer, putting in all my charms. "So is there a Mrs sexy soldier somewhere, or are you .. single".

He looks perplexed, then he smiles, like he understands that I am flirting with him. He lifts his hand, like he is about to reach for me. Then he stiffens and crumbles, revealing Tom with a lifted rifle, he has slammed the butt of it against the back of the man's head.

"Really.. Mrs. sexy soldier ?" He cocks his head.

I shrug. "Had to say something.. but I am rather happy to be Mrs. very sexy actor who can handle himself".

He grins and wraps an arm around my waist. "I can handle you too".

"Cool it Don Juan.. we still have some getting away to attend to". I tell him, but I do start to feel like this might work.

He grins again, handing me back my rifle. "Come on then, my sultry seductress".

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