A happy widow

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I stare at Consuela, and I see no reason to pretend anything. "Are you gonna call the guards ?"

"Should I ?" She looks from me to Luna. "She.. not with my husband ?"

"No". I breathe in, wrapping an arm around Luna's waist. "I went and got her".

She looks at me suspiciously. "Miguel would not.. where is my husband ?"

I think about it for a moment, I have a feeling Consuela has not at all been happy with Miguel.. Maybe she will be happy about her new title as a widow. "He can't hurt you or anyone else anymore".

"Not hurt". She looks at Luna and starts speaking in rapid spanish.

Luna nods and answers her, I can't understand what she is saying, but her expression tells me everything I need to know, she is explaining everything to Consuela.

"He dead.. you kill him ?" She looks at me.

"Yeah, sorry". I mean do I feel sorry, not really.. it is weird being okay with killing someone, but.. someone like him, I don't feel bad. But if it makes her sad, I will feel bad for making her sad.

She looks at me for a long moment. Then suddenly she smiles. "Thank you.. I am free now".

"You are welcome.. I guess". I send her a small smile. "I guess you are a rich woman now.. so are you going to let us.. go ?"

"Yeah.. you free to go". She gives me a small smile. "To bad you not single.. I need new strong husband".

Luna giggles, squeezing my hand, and I feel my cheeks flush. "Oh.. yeah sorry.. I am sure you will find one".

"Gracias". Luna says, smiling at Consuela, before asking her something that is beyond my knowledge of spanish.

Consuela nods, and calls out. When a guard shows up I feel myself get tense, but Consuela just talks to him, and sends him off again, then looks at us. "You can go".

"Thanks.. I hope.. it all works out for you". I tell her, not knowing what else to say.

Luna just smiles and takes my hand, pulling me along as we make our way to find Tom and Aurora.

"Stop pacing.. you are making me nervous". Tom mumbles.

"I can't sit still". I answer, still pacing. "All this waiting, for you, for them.. waiting to see if people return..  I am gonna need a long holiday when we get home".

He gently stops me. "I know darling.. I know.. I am sorry you have to go through this".

"I am just happy I have you". I say, snuggling into him.

"And I am happy I have you". He lowers his head to kiss me softly. "I love you".

I let out a little sigh. "I love you too".

"Seriously, I can't leave you two alone for five minutes without you start humping each other". A well known voice sounds behind us.

"Oh shut up Zac". Tom grumples. "Like you are not much worse".

I hurry over to hug first Luna and then Zac. "Oh I am so happy to see the two of you". I turn back to my cousin. "Are you okay ?"

"Yeah". She nods and looks at Zac. "Thanks to my own personal superhero I am".

Zac lets out a long exhale. "Superheroes don't really kill people".

"You.. you killed him.. the general.. Miguel ?" I ask, looking at Zac.

He nods slowly. "I didn't see any other way for us to escape.. and he deserved it".

"Zac, he was not people.. he was a villain.. a monster". Tom says softly. "Even Heroes sometimes kill those".

"I agree with Tom.. that man was a monster and he deserved everything he got". I tell him. "I hope you didn't do it too quickly, he deserved to suffer". They all look at me with surprise. "Sorry but he did".

Luna gives me a crooked smile. "He seemed none too happy to live his last few seconds as a woman".

"As a woman ?" Tom says, then he turns pale. "Oh.. wow.. I guess he deserved just that".

"He was trying to force himself on my Luna.. not my fault really, the knife kinda got in the way of him waving that nasty thing around". Zac mumbles.

I must admit I have no problems with this at all. Consuela had told me how Miguel often raped young women in the most horried of ways. He deserved everything he got. "Thanks Zac".

"Uhm.. you're welcome.. I guess". He says, taking Luna's hand in his.

"And on that happy note". Tom says, holding out his hand to me. "I think we should make our way back to the boat".

"Where have you guys been ?" Chris meets us on the dock, as we arrive. "I thought you were going to be back before nightfall".

"Long story.. very long story". I sigh. "I will tell you over a glass of whiskey when we are out to see, but it seems we took a wrong turn.. a very wrong turn".

Chris just nods, and we silently get ready to sail. I have a nagging feeling that something is wrong. That all this trouble we are running into can not be a coincidence.

Soon we are out on the open sea again, I have tugged Aurora in and Zac and Luna left for their own room, so I go to find Enrique.

Getting out on the front of the boat I hear his voice. "I told you, I have it under control.. it will go as planned".

"Evening Enrique". I say softly, eyeing him as I step out from the shadows.

"Tom !" He almost drops the phone. "Hi.. just talking to my sister.. about my fathers birthday party, she was scared I would not get to Spain in time".

I watch him hang up and pocket the phone. "Oh.. so I wanted to ask you about the direction you gave us.. we seem to end up right in the backyard of a sadistic bolivian drug baron..".

"But you did turn right ? I told you to make sure to turn right at the crossroad". He say looking at me.

"You said left.. you told me to turn left". I am sure of it.

He shakes his head. "No, no Tom, I said turn right, never turn left.. you must have misunderstood me".

"I am very sure you said turn left". Do you know the feeling, when you are sure, but you also know you can't prove it and the other person sounds to be just as sure, so you start doubting yourself.

"But you are all safe". He says with this weird smile. "It's a miracle.. everything is good, yes ?"

I decide to play along for now, but keep an eye on him, I do not trust him to be honest. "Yeah, everything is.. good. Maybe you said wrong or I heard wrong.. Well at least we are back.. I will go talk to Chris about the plans for the crossing".

"Sure.. happy you are all safe". He says, and hurries inside.

I look after him, wondering what he could have to gain from us getting hurt or killed, it makes no sense to me. But I am definitely keeping my eyes on him from now on.

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