Pampering and Promises

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"Is something wrong ?" Luna leans in and whispers, as Tom and Aurora are placing food on the table.

We are sitting out on the balcony, with the sun setting on the lake as the romantic backdrop. Somehow it just comes off as more sad to me, like things setting.. ending.

"Wrong ?" I look at her, pulling out a smile. "Why do you think something is wrong ?"

"You have not let go of my hand since I came home". She says softly.

I look at where our hands are woven together. "I .. I just.. no it's just silly".

I loosen my grip on her hand, but she tightens hers. "No Zac.. what is it ?"

Reality is that I am going home in a few days, and I am scared to leave, scared to let her go.. I fear that when I am gone and she gets back into her job, her friends, her life, she will realise she does not need me.. and I know that I do need her.. so yeah, scared.. but I can't say that.. not with Tom and Aurora here.

"Zac ?" She looks at me, then she seems to catch on. "Good thing I have nothing against it".

She lifts my hand to her lips, pressing little kisses to my knuckles, making my stomach flutter like a colony of butterflies.

"Aww look at you two". Aurora says, smiling warmly. "Ain't they cute Tom ?"

Tom looks at me with one brow raised. "Oh so cute.. and in a minute they need someone to feed them".

"Or we can feed each other". Luna says, winking at me. "Wouldn't that be cute Tom ?"

"I think I just lost my appetite". He says, making a face.

Aurora slaps his arm. "Stop it Tom.. they are newly in love.. remember how we used to be".

"Believe me I remember". Luna rolls her eyes. "Believe me sitting next to those two in a restaurant was.. humiliating".

I look at her. "What did they do ?"

"Tom insisterede Aurora sit on his lap for an entire five course dinner". She says, rolling her eyes again.

"Seriously". I look at Tom. "Isn't that slightly inappropriate in a restaurant ?"

He glances at Aurora, a smug grin on his face. "It was a small intimate place.. also she kinda covered something more inappropriate".

"Oh God". I groan, burying my face in Luna's shoulder. "I did not want to know that".

"Poor baby". Luna lifts her free hand, caressing her fingers along my jaw, making a low hum of pleasure leave me.

Tom chuckles. "Like you are any better.. now eat before it gets cold".

"So, what do you think ?" I gently rub my hand against her belle, my head resting just beneath her breasts.

"Right now I am thinking that it was amazing, as always". She runs her hand through my hair. "But somehow I do not think that is what you meant".

I turn my head, biting the underside of her left breast softly, making her squirm and giggle in a squemish way. "No and you know it.. I mean if you think we are.. pregnant ?"

"I know that is what you meant Tom". She cradles my face, pulling me up to her and kissing me. "You need to have patience, my love".

"I know.. it's just hard". I let my hand run down to her stomach again. "I can't wait to see you grow big and round".

She giggles. "And get moody and sweaty and..".

"I will love all of it". I promise her, because that is the truth.

"You are.. impossible.. in the best of ways". She places her hand on top of mine. "I worry for Luna and Zac.. do you think they will make it ?"

I sigh. "I hope so.. but I think it is something we need to let them figure out on their own".

"Damn, I am so sore and tired". I let out a sigh, as we enter my room. We had stayed on the balcony, just watching the last of the sunset, enjoying the stars popping out and sharing the rest of the wine, after Tom and Aurora disappeared, probably to work on the baby making.

"Here let me". Zac helps me to the chair in front of my makeup table. Then he kneels in front of me, gently removing my right shoes. His hands gently take my foot in his hands, caressing it, softly pressing his thumb against the underside.

I groan at the mix of pleasure and pain, and from the sensation shooting up through my leg. "God, I need this".

"Relax darling". He continues to softly massage my foot, then remove my other shoe and repeat.

"I don't deserve you". I say softly as he gets up.

He just smiles softly. "You deserve the world.. wait here".

After disappearing into the bathroom, I hear the water running. He comes back and sweeps me into his arms. "Zac.. you really..".

"Shh, I want to.. humour me". He simply says.

In the bathroom, he gently puts me down on the floor and as the most natural thing in the world, he undresses me and helps me into the water.

"Zac, I need my hair..". I try, but he kisses me softly, silencing me.

"Allow me". He moves behind me, slowly removing first the clip and then the pins, one by one from my hair. Letting it down.

When his fingers slide into it, slowly and firmly massaging my scalp I fear I will melt and slip under the water. "Oh lord that feels amazing".

"I am just happy you like it". He whispers softly next to my ear.

After he is done, he undresses, which I enjoy a lot watching and joins me. He washes my hair and body softly.

After the bad he dries me off gently and I insist on doing the same for him, loving the sight of his naked skin, beaded with droplets, and the way his muscles contract under my mistrations.

Once again he sweeps me up into his arms, and carries me to the bed, where he lay me down and joins me, pulling the cover over us and wrapping his arms around me.

I turn in his embrace and snuggle my face into his chest. "I will miss you most horribly when you leave".

"You will manage, you are strong.. I am the one who will suffer". He mumbles into my hair.

"I..". I wrap my arms around him. "In five weeks I can come visit you.. stay.. two, maybe three weeks".

His voice is thick and choked up. "I would like that.. a lot.. but those five weeks will be hell".

"We can do this Zac.. I promise you". I look up at him, brushing a lonely tear from his cheek. "I will fight for us".

"Thanks". He kisses me softly. "I love you".

I kiss him again, and smile as I mumble against his lips. "I love you too".

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now