Lingerie and versace

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I look at the box that has just been delivered.. a gift from the general.. he wants me to wear it at dinner. Slowly I open it and pull out the red dress inside. "Shit !"

Oh, Zac is gonna hate me wearing this, no doubt.. especially as it has been given to me by another man. I am gonna hate wearing it, it is way too sexy for my taste.. or sexy is not really the word.. tacky is more like it.

But I also know that the general would be offended if I refuse to wear it, so I put it on, pulling my hair loose from the braid and looking in the mirror, shaking my head. "I look .. like a damn whore".

I let out a hard breath, hoping that the general only wants to look at me. I mean the man is married after all.

"Better get going I mutter". Mumbling, as I am walking towards the door.

Leaving the room I walk down the hallway, thinking I will find the others first, not wanting to go to the dining room alone.

Suddenly I am grabbed, and pulled into a kinda alcove under the stairs leading to the flat roof. I never even have time to get scared, instantly recognising the breathing. "Zac !"

"Hmm". He mumbles against my neck, but then he pulls back. "Why are you wandering the hallway in.. lingerie ?"

"This is a dress dofuss". I say, placing my hands on my hips.

His eyes slides over me. "Says, who ?"

"Uhm the designer and the general who gave it to me". I mumble.

"I think we have a problem here". Zac is shaking his head.

I sigh. "Honestly I do not like it, it's too much I know.. but I have to wear it.. and it's not that bad, the essentials are covered".

"That is not what I mean.. sure the dress is.. I would prefer I was the only one seeing you like that". He says. "No, the problem is that the general wants to get in your panties".

"No..". I stop myself.. I know he is right. "I hope he is just.. wanting to look and flirt".

Zac nods. "Me too, because.. I do not care how big an army he has, he will not lay a hand on you, in any way".

"Zac..". My eyes take in his appearance. "What are you wearing ? You look like an italian pimp on holiday".

He looks down himself, he is wearing white versace sweats, versace sneakers and a silk versace shirt with one to many button open. "My gift.. I just need a bitching mustache".

"Not if you ever want sex again". I exclaim. "And that shirt.. you need at least one size bigger.. and button it".

"I.. tried.. it kinda sprang open again". He shrugs. "Not sure if it's meant to be like that".

I reach out to rub my hand on his chest. "It's kinda sexy, even if the shirt is horrid". My hand sliding down to squeeze his ass. "And these pants are mighty snug on your perky behind".

"Oh so you like the italian pimp look". He chuckles. "Want me to wear it to bed ?"

"Talking about that.. Zac I told them you are the bodyguard.. so act like one". I sigh. "And .. well no one should know about us.. okay ?"

His eyes narrow slightly. "I hate this baby.. but if you think it is the best.. that is what we do.. now let's go get Tom and Aurora and get this dinner over with".

I am still trying not to laugh too hard at Tom's ugly suit and even worse shoes, as we enter the dining room, and our host, wearing a very glittery suit greets us.. apparently he loves totally over the top designer clothes.

The Young woman is standing beside him, wearing a dress only slightly more covering than the one Luna is sporting. He shakes our hands, then makes a hand movement towards the woman. "My wife, Consuela".

She gives a small nod and says with a heavy accent. "Welcome".

"Thank you, ma'am". I say with a small nod back, unsure what to do, but it seems wrong to shake her hand.

"You got my gifts". The general says, smiling.

Luna smiles and says something in spanish, 'thanks you' being about the only thing I understand. It is actually kinda hot, her speaking spanish.. like the italian wasn't sexy enough.

She notices me watching her, and gives me a look clearly saying. 'Focus Zac and stop drooling'.

"Let's have dinner". The general say offering Luna his arm and leading her to the round table that has been decked.

As Tom offers Aurora his arm, I do not know what to do besides offering my arm to Consuela, who takes it with a grateful smile.

As we reach the table Luna is placed between the general and Tom, Aurora on Tom's other side, so I lead Consuela to the seat beside her husband and take the seat between her and Aurora.

The first course is served, and I have to admit that the food is good, but honestly watching the way the general flirts with Luna and drools over her body in the revealing dress makes me lose my interest in food.

"So.. you.. security". Consuela says, looking at me, and I realise that her husband's behaviour can't be very nice for her to watch either, making me turn to her with a warm smile.

"I am, ma'am". I lie smoothly. "It's a beautiful home you have here".

I try to be friendly and ignore the flirting and the gazes the general sends me. It is uncomfortable and I hate it. Damn I need a freaking Oscar for keeping a smile on my face.

Glancing at Zac I see he is trying to have a conversation with Consuela. I feel sorry for her too, that her husband is acting like that in front of her.

Next course is served and I taste it, and I tell the general in spanish. "This is amazing food.. sir".

"Please call me Miguel, my beautiful". He says. "And thanks, our cook is very talented".

Suddenly the whole table rattles, like someone has kicked it, hard.

Everyone looks up and Zac smiles sheepishly. "Sorry".

"Clumsy ?" Miguel asks me, making a motion towards Zac.

"Not usually". I mumble, we are speaking spanish, but I still hate talking about Zac.

The general shrugs. "My wife likes him, for some weird reason.. looks a dumb brute to me".

"He isn't... he is a nice man actually". I can't help defend him. "Wait.. your wife.. likes him ?"

That second Zac lets out a small squeal, rattling the table again. He flies to his feet. "Sorry cramps.. I'll.. I'll go get a bit of fresh air".

And he disappears out the open doors to the balcony.

"Maybe I should..". I start saying, wanting to check on him.

Consuela is on her feet, hurrying after him. "I check.. I see he is good".

And Miguel grab my hand, keeping me there. "Let my wife.. handle him".

I am not liking this, but I do not know what else to do.

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