Prison break

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"Let him go". Suddenly the old man comes charging over, pushing the guy away and spitting at him. "You are disgusting excuses for human beings".

It's not like he can stop them, but I send him an appreciative thought for trying. Unfortunately he is just pushed to the floor. I close my eyes, praying for a miracle and that they won't hurt the old man for trying to help me.

Someone is pulling at my pants and I wonder if I will be able to close my mind for the pain.. Then I hear the sound of keys and a hard voice. "Let him go, he is being transferred.. now".

"Can't you wait ? He needs to be taught a lesson". The leader says, sounding almost disappointed.

"No, Your uncle is waiting for him, so I need him now..You know how much your uncle needs waiting". The voice says and I am thrown in a heap at his feet.

I think I hear one of the other guys mumble something about letting the uncle wait being the reason they are there.

"Get up". The guard nudges me hard with his foot and I scramble to my feet, watching as he shackles my ankles and wrists, with a chain between them. "Come on move".

I slowly walk in front of him, feeling beyond relieved to have been saved from those bastards. "Thank you, Thank you so much".

"Don't flatter yourself. I couldn't care less if those guys ripped your scrawny ass apart. But the general is waiting for you. Believe me, he will make you wish I had left you in that cell". He says with a cold laugh.

I swallow nervously. Everyone is talking about this general like he is the devil himself. Maybe I should just give in, give him what he wants and spare myself a lot of pain.

Outside I am thrown into the back of an old van, it has a wooden bench along one side and what looks suspiciously like dried blood on the floor.

"Get up on the bench". The man says. When I have complied he attaches my shackles to an iron ring on the floor.. just about the only thing here that looks sturdy.

I am left alone and the door slammed shut. I hang my head in defeat. Thinking of Aurora as the van starts moving. I hope she will be able to move past this and be happy and that she knows I didn't do those things.. that's the worst thing, the thought that she might believe them.

The bench is kinda narrow and the road not very good, and it takes a lot of energy to keep from slipping as we rumble and bumble along.

At first there are sounds outside, not much, but the usual, other cars, and bobles of music, laughter and talk as we pass bars and restaurants.. Then the world grows quiet and I wonder where we are going.

Suddenly there is a .. shot ! And the van comes to a screeching stop, making me fall to the floor, crying out with pain. The shackles make  it impossible to break the fall and my face kind of takes my full weight. My right ankle gets twisted under me sending a burning pain up my leg.

Gun shots are ringing through the air and it makes me duck my head, wondering what is going on outside.. and wondering if a stray bullet might be preferable.. but after all my survival instinct wins out.

After a couple of minutes there is only silence.

The door to the van is ripped open and a huge soldier is standing in the doorway. To be honest I completely panic. "Please don't hurt me".

"Uh calm down Tom.. it's just me.. Zac.. I am not going to hurt you. We are here to rescue you". He smiles proudly. And now I can clearly see it is Zac. But Zac in camouflage gear holding an automatic rifle. "Can you get out ?"

"No, I am chained to the floor". I lift up my hands with a rather frustrated expression, showing him the shackles and the ring on the floor.

"No problem". He swings the rifle over his shoulder and pulls a large handgun from a thigh holster, pointing it at the ring, making me swallow nervously. I mean to my knowledge Zac doesn't have very big experience using a real gun. "I'll just shoot it like in movies".

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