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I have my arm around Aurora, as we rumble full speed through the jungle like forest. I wonder if they are scared we will jump off if going slower. I can't believe we have gotten ourselves into another big mess.. this is almost too much.. like.. like someone is out to get us, but who ? And why ?

There is no doubt my wife is almost more worried about me, than I am about her and this whole situation. She is scared I will crack, that it will all come back.. the whole Cuba incident. And admittedly, for a moment I feared it myself, but I am okay, and back in control of my mind and body.

But honestly I am still scared, mostly that the others could be harmed, most of all Aurora.. She has already been through so much. I am starting to really regret this adventure, it has turned out to be nothing like we expected.

The air is heavy, both with humidity and our worries. I can see the tension in Zac's body, his shoulders lifted and stiff.

"Donna Lucia". Luna whispers to Aurora, who's eyes go wide, but then she nods.

"Donna Lucia ? What does that mean ?" Zac whispers.

I am listening too, having no idea either, but Luna just shakes her head. "No time to explain. "Tom, look as snobbish and annoyed as you can.. Zac, look scary.. or try too.. and let me talk".

We are ushered out of the jeep, reddish brown dust rising around our feet, in front of us is a beautiful but a bit too lavish mansion in the middle of the jungle. It seems to be guarded by a small heavily armed army.

"Okay". I mumble, and try to imagine myself some british Earl or something, annoyed with having his trip interrupted, looking down my nose at everyone, hoping Luna knows what she is doing.

Zac is squinting his eyes, and has but a small sneer on his lips, managing to look far more dangerous that I would have expected. His size is no doubt helping him.

"Sorry Zac, I need you to keep in the back". Luna whispers, unwrapping herself from his embrace and taking the lead.

Aurora straightens up, and takes my hand, falling in behind her with the air of a queen, so I just pretend I just smelled something bad and try to look like this is just an annoying bother to me.

Luna walks with the briskness of a tourguide who has been held back by tourists asking dumb questions for way to long. And Zac is walking behind us, arms crossed, but I have no doubt his eyes are on Luna.

We are led onto a huge balcony, where a chubby man in tiny shiny blue speedos is lounging on a sunbed, a cocktail by his side. On the other sun bed is a much younger woman in a bikini that looks like it is made from dental floss and a small handkerchief.

The soldiers placed along the wall all have their eyes on us, as the one leading us, stops, slamming his heels together and clearing his throat. "Sir.. general".

"What ?" The man sits up, then he slides his oversized sunglasses up on his forehead. "Who is this ?"

"Intruders sir.. we found them wandering around one of the fields". The man explains.

Luna steps forward, a warm smile on her face as she starts talking rapidly in what I assume is rather fluent spanish.. I am only capable of getting a word here and there. I think she is explaining who we are and why we are there.

The general, or whatever he is, lets his eyes run over me and Aurora and I give him a curt nod. Then his eyes move to Zac, but I do not dare turn to see what Zac is doing.

"Turistas ricos". He says thoughtfully,  and I swear I can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes as he says something else.

Luna shakes his head, saying something.. I get the words more, worth and alive.. or I think I do.

Under the Caribbean moon (Tom/Zac story)Where stories live. Discover now