Knowing the city

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It was really sunny outside so I changed my clothes to some black shorts and a red tank top as soon as I finished changing clothes, I walk out the door, locking it and start walking down the street.
I wanted to see how Downtown of Domino City was. I always heard it was really interesting, so why not now? I smile putting my sunglasses on.
I see a lot of interesting people walking around me, like this kid that walked past me, his hair was blonde, red and black. I mumbled under my breath "lucky him," I wish I had that hair. I did notice he had a big chain around his neck with something hanging on it, I didn't really pay attention to what it was but

As I kept walking I saw a lot of diffrent things, I did notice a big building called Kaibacorp it was the biggest one around there and nicest. I roll my eyes thinking it probably going to be a old rich man like always.
So I went to the mall instead I really needed to do some shopping since I was going to stay here awhile.
(To. Be continued
Sorry loves it was short >.<))

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