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I waited for Bakura all day, it was pretty late ryou was worried as well he never told us were he was going to go,well he never did.. as the door open we looked at it and it wasn't Bakura it was Marik and this other guy that looked at him but had crazier hair, ryou smile "hey Marik " they walked in closing the door "hey ryou, were's Bakura?" I cover myself with akefia's coat as the other guy looked at me as I looked away, he smirked as marik looked at me not saying anything as he went and sit down in the couch.
I stood up walking to my room as Ryou and marik were talking, i closed the door not locking it, I layed in my bed looking up relaxing as a few minutes passed as I closed my eyes as I remember I had to give the coat to akefia,
I felt someone on top of me as I open my eyes fast I notice that guy smirking "hey beautiful" I blushed a bit noticing he was pretty hot, "um why are you on my room?" He smirked as he pin my hands on top of me with one hand only as he got closer to my face "I just wanted to meet you" he move his other hand inside the coat I blushed deeply since I was still in my panties and bra "hey! No touchy!" He smirks as he licks my neck I shiver lightly as he mumbles "delicious" as we hear the door of my room slam open " what do you think you doing Melvin" he stops as he growls letting go of me standing up looking at akefia "just meeting this cutie pie" I blushed sitting up covering myself, melvin smirked "don't tell me you don't wanna play with her as well " akefia smirked as well as both looked at me I squeak as a panic "hey leave _y/n_ alone guys" I see Ryou and marik in the back" geeze Fine.." They all walked out of the room as in the end akefia turns around and winks at me as he left I sigh rubbing my head "that was crazy " as I heard marik and Melvin leaving I yawn "I should sleep is really late.." i walk to close the door as I took the coat off laying in bed as I feel asleep.

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now