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(Hi my sexie loves I will be making a new page everyday :)) )

I went to the mall and started shopping for new clothes and accessories I needed. I took around 3 hours shopping

I'm tired and hungry therefore I went to the food court and bought some sushi I didn't really care what to get since I was really hungry.

I went to sit down on a table and started eating, I look around me and I notice a boy with white long hair staring right at me, blushing a little.
I blushed as well, I looked down at my food, thinking it was to early to start liking boys from here. I didn't look at him again since I knew I was still blushing.

When I finished my sushi I stood up and starting walking to the exit. I was tired and it was late already I need to go home and rest since I haven't done that since I came from the airport. I remembered I needed to fix all my things in my new apartment as well, I sighed thinking about this.

I took 30 mintues walking back home, as soon as I entered I slouched down on the couch, lucky me this apartment had furniture all ready.

I gasped sitting up realizing I need a job to afford being here for awhile. I took my bags to my room putting away all my things, I smiled when i noticed I finished. I should go and take a shower then sleep.

I went to the bathroom, turning on the shower, undressing myself, I then went in the shower.

30 minutes later I got out, I grabbed my towel and dried off, I went to my room and started putting undergarments on, I grabbed a long shirt putting it on top of what I had on. I layed down on my bed closing my eyes falling asleep.

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now