Living with him

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It's been 3 months I been living with Bakura
It's been going great! expect Bakura always leaves at night when I suppose to be sleeping , so I knew he was going to do it today again.
And today I was going to follow him I was worried he would come home so late, it worry me more thinking he would be cheating on me, yea I was so in love with him now and he would always say I was his queen. so I had to see what he would do at night.
It was 10pm and it was time for bed I was not going to put pjs tonight so I just put some booty shorts and a tank top and went to lay in bed Bakura looked at me laying next to me "huh why aren't you going to seep with pjs tonight?" I looked at him as I snuggle my pillow "I just wanna sleep with this its kinda hot" he chuckle closing his eyes "alright then my queen, well goodnight" I smile turning away from him closing my eyes "night night"
1hour passed then I feel him stand up and I hear him grab something from the closet as he walks to the living room opening the outside door walking out. I jump out of the bed going with out shoes as I go to the front door opening the door walking out, I see him walking to the park but he look intresting he was wearing a long black coat I never seen that coat im the closet I shrugged it off as I follow him 1 block away behind from him, as I follow him he start going to this empty place as he stops I hide in a light post.
I see kaiba and that boy that had intresting hair the first day I came but he looked taller and 3 other people next to them, I was confused they were all arguing with Bakura, sounded like Bakura was evil trying to destroy the world is shakes my head as I mumble "that can't be true.." They started dueling as I watched them I yawned it was pretty late as i accidentally move and drop the trash next to me as everyone stops and look at me, I squeak nervous looking at me as Bakura and kaiba said "_y/n__?" I laughed rubbing the back of my head "oh this is not the store hehe.." I turn around as I'm about to walk I feel someone grab my arm as I look to see , it was Bakura as he pulls me with him walking to the duel as he let go of me "stay here until I'm finished" I nod a bit as I hear the people whispering something . I looked away as I shiver a bit since I had no sweater or shoes.

((Sorry loves I'll continue in the next chapter really tired >.< gnight!

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