Getting a job

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It was 8am in the morning I yawned when I woke up, stretching a little, I got off the bed and went to my closet getting interview clothesit was a short black skirt and a red blouse as I went to the mirror doing my make-up I yawned again, "jeeze I'm so tired" as soon as I finished my make up. I started doing my hair.
15minutes later I finished and went to the kitchen, went to the fridge and I remembered there was nothing "damn it, I'll just eat outside again"

I started walking to the door walking out I locked the door I started heading to downtown hours passed as I searched for a job and no luck. I sighed as I looked in front of me and I noticed Kaibacorp, I started walking towards "oh well, I hope they have a job, I really need one"

I walked through the doors, I went right to the front desk. there was a guy I smiled at him. I asked him if they were hiring, he looked at me and he said "no sorry mr Kaiba just doesn't hire anyone" "why? Come on please I really need a job "
I told him, he said "sorry lady but I can't
He stood up quickly saying " morning mr Kaiba!! " the man named Kaiba told me "I don't need any.." I turned around , he looked at me as he didn't finished his sentence, he wasn't a old rich man he was pretty young I think he was the same age as me. I walked. Closer to him "please I need a job mr "
He blushed as he looked away from me, I notice it as I smiled looking up at him since he was pretty tall. then he answered "fine you will me my assistant come. Tomorrow morning to my office." he turned around walking away.

I smiled happily baa I started walking to the exit door my stomach growled as I blushed "oops I forgot to eat I should go now" I started walking bro the nearest fast food there was. I found mc Donald's I smiled and went Inside ordering a cheeseburger and some French fries as i waited for my order I started wondering what kind of stuff I'm going to do i shrugged it off. they called my order as I go and pick it up and go sit down on a table.
Later on I went grocery shopping, I really needed some food in my house, as I finished I went home and went to put the things away.
I did nothing for the rest off the night therefore I went to sleep since I have to go to work tomorow.

(( sorry guys I promise the next chapter will be intresting >.< ))

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