Back to work?

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I woke up at 6am curled up, I yawned lighty as I feel my cheek rubbing against someone's chest I blushed looking up as I see Bakura sleeping, then I remember what happened last night as I looked Down the blanket I see we were both naked I blushed even more as I stood up slowly trying not to wake him up, as I started walking to the bathroom.
"Ugh I need to take a shower and go to work, lets see how it goes today" I turn on the water getting in the shower
30mins passed
As I got out the shower a grabbed my towel wrapping it around me and walked to my room. when I walked in I see Bakura was still sleeping I sigh smiling "that's good" I dried myself as I go to the closet putting on some panties and a bra, I start grabbing some clothes I feel some arms wrapped around me "were do you think your going?" I blushed feeling Bakura chest against my back then I touch his hands "im going to work silly" he kisses my neck "no your not, your staying right here with me" I shake my head "I can't I need money to pay rent" he picks me up "your not going to work for that idiot kaiba, you will come live with me so you don't have to pay rent no more" I blushed trying to look at him "r-really? " He nods "yes, tomorrow we can move all your stuff to my house" he kisses my cheek as I smile "thanks Bakura your the best" I blushed as I said that I didn't know why but I was falling for him, he was so nice to me and so romantic. I guess I won't see kaiba no more... but that was alright since I had Bakura with me.

((Gah I hate my wifi!! T~T

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now