At last

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(( here's the other part I promised my loves x3))

((_y/n__ pov))
3 more months passed
I was sitting on the plane waiting to get to Japan I was so happy that I earn the money fast I thought it would take a year but it didn't, I was excited to see Bakura again I started thinking his probably won't recognized me since I changed the color of my hair to _h/c_ and my hair was a bit longer and I kinda dress a bit different since last time he saw me.
1 hour later
I arrived at the airport I was so nervous as I got my bags and started walking to Bakura's house, since I didn't tell know one I was coming it should be a great surprise, I walk for 20 minutes as I got there, I fixed my skirt and pull my long socks up I started walking to the house as I knocked, since I didn't live here I couldn't open the door normally no more, I waited until I see that boy that looked like Bakura open the door as he looked at me as his eyes widen pulling me in "oh _y/n_ Bakura is going to be happy!" He drags me to the living room were I see Bakura and a tall tan man screaming at each other in boxers.
I blushed as I watched them stop as they turn to look at me Bakura freezed not saying anything as he started walking to me slowly. I panicked he was for sure mad for leaving without telling him, as he got closer he pulls me to him as he hugs me tight I squeak hugging him back as I hear him "I last your back my queen.." I smile hiding my face on his chest "yes my king" it was the greatest day ever.

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now