Were are we going?

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I was sleeping on the couch peacefully until I felt something.. Was I dreaming or was it real? I felt it more until I realized someone was rubbing my butt! I open my eyes seeing Bakura close to my face as he chuckle, smirking "at last your awake, I been waiting here for a while _y/n_ " I blushed as I mumble "sorry" as he stood up he picked me up on his arms he started walking to my room as I begin to blush deeply thinking, his taking me to bed! Oh god. as we got to my room he made me stand up and laughed "you Pervy girl you were thinking something else weren't you" I looked at him fast blushing still "no! Of course no!" He chuckle grabbing my chin getting close to my face "really now? So why are u blushing a lot? Don't worry you will get it soon.. But for now go change to something nice we going somewhere"
I nod lightly "alright" I went to the closet grabbing a black dress then I looked at him "can u go outside my room I'm going to change". He shakes his head" no, change here now" I sigh turning away from him as I take my clothes staying in bra and panties only. as I grab my dress putting it on slowly as I finished I feel Bakura wrap his arms around me as he whispers in my ear "you look so delicious I could just eat you right now" I blushed crossing my arms as I laugh "who's the pervert now Bakura" he just chuckle as he let go of me, then I started putting my flats on, I was not going to put high heels on, flats are so much relaxing.
He looked at me "perfect now let's go" I looked at him "were are we going?" he just grabbed my hand walkingas he didn't respond and we walked out of the house locking the door "

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now