Staying with them

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So I met Ryou and akefia, Ryou was so sweet and akefia was a pervert and a funny guy and they were all called Bakura, yeah I was confused when they told me but they told me akefia pass and I understand why they were all called Bakura, anyways is been 2 days Aince I came and they let me stay in there house for vacations well Bakura wanted me to stay for sure.
I was sitting in the couch with Bakura watching tv alone since the guys went to work as kura hold me close, I smile and snuggle close to him as he blushed i giggle looking up at him as he looked down and he kissed my nose I blushed.
The door open as akefia came in the house wearing a suit as he came and sat next to us "hey" I smiles waving at him "Haii akefia" he chuckled rubbing my head "so cute" I blushed as Bakura growl at him akefia laughed as he smirked looking at kura "heh scared Bakura?" I stayed quiet staying in the middle of them looking down at my hands as I hear Bakura "haha me scared not a chance!" Akefia growls, I squeaked and jump up as they stop and look at me "are you guys hungry?" They nod as I smile and poke there noses "well we need to wait for Ryou and we will order pizza, okay?" They smirked aa both say "okay"
30mintues passed
As Ryou gets home, we order pizza we all sat in the couch and me of course in Bakura's lap since we didn't fit all in the couch we put a movie as the pizza got here and we started watching a scary movie as we eat pizza, it was great leaving with them..

((Sorry I updated late loves >.<))

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