A date~

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As we walked out of the house Bakura grabbed my hand and we started walking to downtown, we were really quiet during the walk.
I was wondering were he was taking me especially dress like this as I looked up at him he had beautiful hair I pout much more beautiful then mine I wonder what kind of shampoo he uses, he looked down at me since he was taller then me and chuckles "why are you staring at my hair so much" I squeak blushing " oh no reason is just so fluffy and nice im so jelly" he laughs "jelly?" I nod yes! You know jealous but in a cuter way" he shakes his head as he holds my hand walking still "your weird but I love you still" i blushed staying quiet.
As we stop I see were in front of a restaurant and he starts talking "_y/n_ you better be hungry because I want you to eat something delicious and I'm paying since your my date I blushed thinking, we are in a date!?! Omg, as I nod we walked in and they get us a table as we sat down we look at the menu and we order something to eat
~skips dinner~
We were so full as we walked out of the restaurant I kiss Bakura's cheek " thank you if was a great dinner" I see him blush lightly as he nods looking away "well let's get you home since its late now" I nod as he grabs my hand and we start walking home, it was just a nice night, I didn't know Bakura would be so nice to me since I thought he was a creeper.
As we got home we walk in Bakura closing the door as I start walking to the couch and sat down Bakura sat next to me, as he start rubbing my leg your so beautiful _y/n_ ima make you mine tonight.. I blushed wait what!?
He chuckled I'm just playing or am I?.

((Sorry guys but I'm stopping here!! :3
Next chapter will be a lemon❤️❤️❤️😘

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now