Together alone~

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(( Haii loves sorry I didn't do update yesterday was busy, anyways! Ima make this a bit of lemon just warning you guys ^_^))

Months has passed and I was still living with the guys, Bakura and me were closer then ever we were happy. yeah sometimes akefia would try to sleep with me until Bakura finds out, they were always fighting and Ryou was so innocent trying to brake them up.
Today we were going to be alone Ryou was going out to hand out with yugi's crew and akefia was going to hand out with Melvin so yeah tonight we see going to be alone.
It was a hot day today so I was wearing a skirt and a tank top I giggled when I saw Bakura wearing some shorts he looked Away blushing, I walked to him "I never seen you in shorts" he blushed looking down at me "that's because I don't like them, but this damn heat is killing me" I giggle as I kissed his cheek sitting down on the couch, as he follow sitting next to me "so the guys aren't coming until midnight" I looked at him as he smirked getting closer to my face "you know we haven't had some fun time since that they we met" I blushed deeply looking a diffrent way as I nod "yeah" he chuckles "lets have some right now" he jumped on top of me licking my neck, I squeak lightly blushing letting him.
He took my clothes off and his as well he was hungry for some, since I haven't giving him any since that time, he position himself as he trusted inside me I moan loudly as I blushed , as he started thrusting as he lean down to kissed me I wrapped my arms around his back kissing him back as I moan inside his mouth as well, 5 mintues later we changed position as he sat down and I started riding him for awhile as he mouth in pleasure I giggle as I started playing with his hair, it was so fluffy.
We started kissing as he hold me close as the door open and we stopped kissing "haha damn I came at the right time!" I hear Bakura growl as we looked at the door it was akefia, I blushed covering my breast fast as Bakura grab his shirt making me put it on, he looked at akefia "you shouldn't be here, why are you home early?!" Akefia looks away "geeze I came to get my keys only" he walked to the table grabbing them as he smirks "_y/n_ you have a banging body no wonder Bakura is doing it right now haha" I blushed deeply as Bakura yell "get out now!!" akefia walks to the door "fine I'm leaving" he walked out closing the door.
Bakura looked at me "you should keep that shirt on just in case he comes back" I smiled "Okee then, so should we stop?" He raises a eyebrow "of course not, I'm not done with you yet" he smirks as he makes me continue to ride him still a few mintues passed as he cums inside me as we both panted, as I lay in his chest relaxing "that was fun" I giggled "yes my king" he blushes as he stands up holding me close to him "lets go to our room" I hold him as I looked down "what about our clothes?" He smirks "leave them there" as he took me to our room he locked the door walking to the bed, we both lay in bed holding each other close as we feel asleep since it was pretty late all ready and the guys would be home soon.

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