Our night (lemon)

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((Hey peeps so ima make this a lemon not going to do it that hardcore but enjoy :3
If you don't wanna read it skip almost to the end~))
I blushed deeply looking at him as he stood up picking me up, walking to the room as we got there he drop me on the bed crawling on top me as he starts kissing my neck I squeak blushing letting him, he then starts taking his clothes off staying in boxers only I look at him as I giggle, he tilts his head to the side looking at me "what's funny?" Hehe your so pale Bakura you need to go to the beach" he growls a bit and starts taking my clothes of leaving me in bra and panties I shiver I bit since the room was kinda cold.
He starts feeling all my body as he starts kissing me deeply I start kissing him back moaning lightly inside his mouth, he gets turn on by it as he starts getting hard, he starts rubbing against my leg as I feel him hard, I blushed deeply feeling his member against my leg. As he pulls away he looks at me "I promise you will enjoy this" he takes his boxers of as he goes straight taking my panties and bra, we were both completely naked as he starts positioning him self in the middle of my legs I start getting nervous looking up at him, he lean down as he starts kissing me again as he goes inside me as im gasp lightly inside he mouth i wrapped my arms around his neck as he starts thrusting deeply inside me, we kept kissing as we both moan loudly inside each other's mouth, keeps thrusting inside me as we touch each other it was wonderful each touch felt really good , our moans were loud in pleasure we lasted hours until we climax, we saw the clock and it was 1am.
He got out of me and lay next to me as he hold me,i smiled looking up at him "that was amazing bakura" he chuckled "indeed it was my queen" I yawn closing my eyes to rest but quickly went to sleep as he looked at me and laughed "that's cute my dear _y/n_ is so tired, well I guess I should sleep as well" he close his eyes not letting go of me as he goes to sleep as well.

((Sorry loves >.< I tried my best T.T😫😫😫😫😖

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