~first day at work~

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I woke up early today I went straight to take a shower. 3o minutes past and I finished, coming out grabbing my towel wrapping it around my body and went straight to my room, I went to the closet grabbing some working clothes. as soon as I dried myself off I put my clothes on quickly and went to do my hair and make-up.

15minutes passed and I went to the kicthen to make myself a quick breakfast so I wouldn't be late on my first day.

I got there just in time.they told me to go to mr. kaiba's office, they gave me the floor and room number. I went to the elevator.
10seconda passed as I was in the right floor walking out of the elevator going to his office as I got there I knocked on his door and I started getting nervous.
I heard him say "come in" I open the door slowly waking in infront of his desk, when he saw me he coughed saying " oh it's you, what is your name?" I blushed looking at him as I responded "_y/n_"

He smiled As he stood up looking at me "well welcome to kaibacorp starting today you will be my assistant, you will always be next to me helping" he blushed looking away.
I smiled "alright then mr Kaiba. I wont disappoint you!" He looked down at me blushing grabbing my chin making me look up at him. "I know you won't and you can call me just Kaiba" I blushed as I nod slowly.
He chuckled letting go of my chin as he walked back to his desk sitting back on his chair.

I looked at him blushing still as he started writing on some papers he had as he started talking "you can come sit next to me or even better sit on my lap," he smirks looking at me.
I walked to him standing next to him and I told him "well there's no chair soo..i guess I'm sitting on your lap" giggle moving his arm and sitting on his lap as I started thinking, this job was going to be fun and easy~

(( sorry guys it sound so boring T.T))

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