confused, mad~

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((A lil lime if you don't want to read it just skips to the bottom of the page it will be short I promise ;) ))

So a month has pass and it been great working for kaiba, we secretly have sex on his office,make out anywhere in his building it was just great and the best part he teached me how to duel. It's was great indeed..

So I was with kaiba on his office it was pretty late. Probably like 7pm who knows, the building was empty everyone had left all ready it was kaiba, moku a only but who knew were mokuba was. probably playing some other room.
Me and kaiba were in his new couch as he was kissing me deeply thrusting into me as I moan loudly inside his mouth as I had my arms wrapped around his neck playing with his hair as his hands were all over my body, we both enjoy having time together, then kaiba looked down at me as he smirked "let's go try this on top on the room, something new" as I nod he picked me up on his arms still inside me as we went all the way to the roof as he pushed me against the wall making out with him he started thrusting faster inside me as I moan loudly in pleasure wrapping my legs around him we were there for 15minutes until we're heard a cough and we stop..

Kaiba turned around as saw mokuba but he was knocked out as someone was holding him as kaiba let go of me dropping me to the floor as I squeaked lightly "ouch.." I looked what he saw and it was that guy I have seen in the mall but he looked diffrent.. as I blushed pulling down my shirt and skirt as saw kaiba zip up his pants turning to face the guy as he angry screamed "what did you do to mokuba!!"
The man chuckled throwing mokuba to kaiba as kaiba catched him saying "kaiba you busy man you got a really beautiful woman I might just steal her for me.." I heard kaiba growl as I stood up slowly as I heard kaiba said "I don't care! You were have not hurt mokuba" I got angry hearing him say that as I screamed at kaiba as he turn around, I threw him his boxers at him running out the roof going to the elevator, I was so mad but I kinda new I was just a plaything for him I was leaving home.

As Bakura laughed seeing boxers on kaiba's face he smirked, "well let's have a duel" kaiba didn't refuse of course.
As I got home I went to take a shower angrily I needed to relax and I knew talking a shower would help. I took 30mins in there as I finished going straight for bed I didn't wanted to know anything about kaiba no more not even the job as I started thinking why was the guy with white hair there and why did he look really diffrent.. As I was thinking I yawned closing my eyes dozing off..

( sorry I updated late sexie loves ))

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