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It been half a year, we been together. we been happy together, since Bakura told me the thruth I definitely knew him more but I still loved him no matter what he was, he was my king.
Sometimes at night he would leave to go talk to Marik but now I was okay with it, I would stay home and think about stuff, I still think about what he told me that day. that he was using his host body, what did that mean? Was he stealing that body was there another guy?
I sigh as Bakura walk in the room walking to me hugging me close I tilt my head "what's wrong Bakura?" He looked at me "oh nothing my queen I just wanted to hug you since your always so warm" he chuckles lightly, I giggle poking his nose "silly king are you leaving in a bit?" He nods a bit, still holding me close "yes I am, but this time ima come really latest.." I kiss him softly "it's okay I'll be sleeping still" he smiles a bit "heh yeah.. I just want you to know I love you no matter what, okay "I nod feeling like something bad is going to happen "yes I know" he kisses my forehead letting go of me walking to the closet grabbing his long black coat.
"time to go, I'll be back later on my queen" I smile "bye my king" he walks out the door.

(( sorry loves I don't feel well I promise i make the other chapter long~

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now