Home sweet home~

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Is been a few months since I came home from the hospital with Bakura and (child name) all they guys would come once in awhile to look at (child name) even kaiba they really love him, 
I would stay home most of the time with (child name) and would clean the house and make food for Bakura, ryou and Akefia, since they work so hard all the time, but it made me happy because we were a cute small family.
(Child name) was so lucky he had the best daddy ever and two awesome uncles.

I smiled sitting in the couch as I see (child name) sleeping, I looked around the house it was all clean up "I need to make food all ready before they guys come" I stood up as the door house open and I see ryou coming in with two bags. "Hi ryou, your early today" he smiled as he nods "hi _y/n_ and yeah I came out early today" he walks to the kitchen putting the bags on the table, I smiled smelling something yummy "mmm it smells really good." He laughs "yeah I brought food so you don't have to cook today" I sigh smiling "that's so great ryou your the best!"
    The door open wide as I hear argument, i turn around as I see Bakura and Akefia, I sigh of course they would be fighting "welcome home Akefia" I smile going to hug Bakura "hi love" they smiled as Bakura hugged me back "hey "_y/n_" I look at them you guys came out early today too?" They nod as they looked at ryou in the kitchen "ah ryou came out early as well" I nod at them "yeah and he brought food so we can eat" they smirked "great!"  They went to the kitchen to sit down as I heard crying and went to pick up (child name) I smiled holding him close "you hungry sweetie?" He kept crying as I giggle going to the kitchen with him in my arms as I see the guys fighting with the food and eating "yeah thanks for waiting for me"
  They look at me as they stopped fighting "heh sorry" I did a bottle for (child name) and gave him to him as he started drinking it as I sat down in the chair in the table as they looked at (child name) "ah his awake!" I nod "yeah he was hungry" I giggle "his just like you guys" they all looked proud, I smiled watching them finish and (child name) finished as well,
    "Here Bakura take care of your child" he grabbed him as all for went to the living room turning on the tv. I grabbed some food and started eating.

The guys were all fallen asleep in the couch as I hold (child name) in my arms as he was sleeping as well I looked at them as I smiled this was my new home and I was happy with my new family, and my new friends as well, I sigh happily closing my eyes "Home sweet home".

The end~

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