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I was relaxing in the couch with the guys watching tv it was a boring day, they all said they had a day off.. But they were probably lying since they all woke up all lazy and they didn't wanted to do nothing today AND they were still in there Damn pjs. Anyways it been a few weeks since Kura told me to marry him so now I was engaged to him, I was so happy as I rub my belly soon I'll be a mother and a wife.

I yawn laying in kura's shoulder watching tv as Ryou stands up pulling Akefia up. We going outside to buy something to eat, you guys want something? We nod. My bring some pancakes or burrito. "He laughs" okay "they went to change clothes as they left" I smiled as I snuggle to Bakura "he chuckled as he rubbed my belly" cute "I giggled" hehe I try my best my king.

A few minutes passed as I started to feel weird as I hold on to my belly, as I notice was was happening I panicked. Kura the baby is coming! His eyes widen standing up fast. Let's take you to the hospital!

(Skips to the hospital ~ :3)

I was laying on a bed as I was pushing so the baby could come out, I cried in pain holding kura's hand tight, few minutes fast as we heard a baby crying as the doctor said
"Congratulations it's a boy"
We smiled as we saw the baby boy as they brought him to me, I was happy as I hold him close to me, "I giggle looking up at Kura"he looks just like you "he chuckled" heh your right he does look like me, " I smiled" what name should we give him "he smirked" I know let's call him (his/name) "I smiled" I love it!

Ryou and Akefia came running in the room
As they saw (his/name) and smiles getting close, aw it's a boy. We going to be great uncles! "I giggled listening to them" I love this family so much.

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now