Moving day

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I was excited! today was the day I was moving to Bakura's house, Bakura left really early today, he had some business to do, well that's what he told me. he said to pack all my stuff and later he will come to help me take them to his house.
I was so lazy to put clothes on I just stay in a shirt anyways I was alone in the house I started packing all my stuff in my bags, I didn't have that much stuff since I was in vacations here.
It took me 1hour to do everything since it was just clothes and some stuff I bought from here, I sigh in relief sitting down in the couch thinking we're Bakura could of left, I shake my head, "must just be a busy guy" the door opens and I see him walking in as he smirked "you really to go love?" I nod standing up "yes!" He chuckled "well first go put some shorts on. not going to take you half naked outside" I blushed walking to my bags and grabbing some shorts, "okay there on" I grabbed my bags as he help me "okay let's go before it gets more late" I smile as we start walking out as I close the door we started walking to the next house as I went to return the keys.
"Done now let's go" he smile kissing my cheek as we started walking to his house
10mintues passed As we got to his house opening his door we walked in as I looked around "wow you have a big house" he laughed "yea I guess I do, that's why it be great for both of us to live here" he put my bags down as he hold me I blushes looking up at him and nod "yes, you payed for this house?" He shake his head "no my father did" I smiled "cool!" He chuckles grabbing my bags putting them in the room, as he comes back he grabs my hand "let's. Go gets some rest" I nod yawning a bit "yes that be nice" he starts walking to his room as he holds my hand as we walked in I gasp his bed was friggin big! He looks at me and laughs "im guessing you like our bed" I nod "yes it so big" he chuckles laying on it looking up as I lay next to him laying my head on his chest closing my eyes, I feel him stroke my hair slowly as I start falling asleep as I hear him say I love you _y/n__.

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