What to do now?

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As I woke up at 9am I yawn stretching sitting up, as I looked at the clock seeing it was really late. "well no point of going to work since it late and I'm mad with kaiba." I stood up walking to the kitchen as I walk thru the living I notice Bakura sleeping on my couch I growl softly thinking why was he still in my house, as I walk next to him and I see him sleeping.
I blushed deeply seeing his face he looked so adorable while he was sleeping and that hair oh god.. Yes I admit it, he was hot I leans close to him and I slowly poke his cheek "blop" I giggled and did it again "blop" then out of nowhere he grabs my hand.
"What are you doing?" I squeaked looking at him as I mumble "nothing, just poking " as he glare "well stop doing that" and with that he let go of my hand. as I stood up straight I crossed my arms, ""what are you doing in my house still?? I told you to leave" he stretched sitting up in the couch rubbing his head smirking "I did leave your room. And I came to sleep here in your nice couch."
I sighed as I started walking and went to the kitchen I started making food,5 minutes later I felt someone hugging me from behind and started to nuzzle my neck I giggle "hey stop doing that! It tickles." I finished making breakfast as he let go of me and I gave him some food "here eat something.
He sat down and started eating and since I was hungry too I went to sit next to him and started eating as well. I didn't really mind him here atleast he wasn't that dangerous. I think..
As we finished we went to the living room and it was quite awkward well for me of course.. he jumped on me and started kissing me deeply as I blushed I started kissing him back and I had to admit he was a great kisser as I wrapped my arms his neck I felt him smirk against the kisses as our bodies were press together. we awhile making out as we still continue there was a knock in the door and I stop kissing Bakura as he continue kissing me still "stop Bakura I need to get the door" he growl stopping as he stood up "fine then" I stood up quickly fixing my clothes as I open the door then...

(Sorry guys I'll continue it tomorrow >~< really sleepy already ❤️))

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now