(Continue) what to do now?

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I went to get the door as I saw three men holding one big teddy bear and 3 big bouquets of red rose as one said "this are all from you from mr kaiba" he then gave me a envelope I grabbed it and told them to put the stuff in the table on the living room as they went to leave the stuff they walked out of the house leaving.
I close the door hiding the card because I knew bakura would throw it away and get mad and started thinking how he get my address but of course his kaiba he can get anything. I started walking to the living room and I see bakura sitting down in the couch with a angry face as I went and sat next to him he started speaking "this is the first time he does something like this.. his always been more focus on beating yugi and becoming the best in dueling monster."
I nod lightly "yeah he told me something about being the best at dueling" as he grabbed me fast putting me on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Well his not going to get you cuz your all mine and you will be my queen" I sigh crossing my arms "I never agree to that anyways i won't be here for to long anyways I'm just here for vacations" he squeezed me a bit as I squeaked " oh were are you from _y/n_?" " I'm from America he growls a bit "that's to far away, I guess ima have to get you pregnant and marry my future queen" i jumped off his lap standing up "wait! What?! Woah your just taking crazy bakura you don't even know me" he shrugs leaning back on the couch "so what?" I looked at him schocked still as he stood up walking close to me grabbing my Chin making me look up at him as he smirked God that smirk he did was so hot and evil he really did look hot as he lean down kissing my lips I kissed him back as he let go and started walking to the door "I'll be back later dear i have some businesses to take care off" and with that he walked out the door closing it,
I blushed shaking my head sitting in the couch "his really weird but his a really good kisser.. oh the card!" I grabbed the card opening it as I started reading it. ~reads " dear _y/n_ I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it I do like being with you I don't think of you as a worker I think of you as the girl I'm in love with _y/n_ , I love you... please forgive me.." as sigh finishing the card laying down in the couch. "great to guys are in love with me and i don't know what to do.." I close my eyes thinking, as 10 minutes passed I passed out.. Falling asleep.

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now