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3 months have passed
and I been saving money to go to Japan again, it's been so hard since I don't have a job but I'll make it I just needed a few more and it would be great to see if his there all ready i pouted "his probably found some other girl all ready if he did I wont bother him" I smiles "I'll still go for vacation over ther it be nice to see kaiba and the other guys they were pretty nice ppl and they were nice to me that time I talked to them"

((Bakura pov))
I growl sitting in the couch watching Ryou and akefia play cards, it was boring without _y/n__ and the pharaoh came back as well but now we had all our own body.. it was boring Ryou started working and akefia as well he was working for kaiba, and I would just stay in the house waiting for them and its been 3 months and I haven't found a way to contact _y/n__
It sucked.. I sigh "maybe she moved on.. but I can't not yet.." I layed down in the couch closing my eyes resting.
"im alone I should take a nap just awhile before they come back from work" I started relaxing as I feel asleep..

(( going to make another cuz I didn't do it yesterday and I'm sorry for that loves >.<))

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