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3 months passed
I was still living with them, Bakura didn't go out much no more he would always stay with me in the house.
I was noticing my tummy was growing and I would crave a lot of stuff, Bakura would always bring my sweets from the store.
I started thinking I could be pregnant but I wasn't sure. so I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test, I notice Bakura was sleeping in the couch like always. I went to the bathroom to do the test
I blushed deep red when I notice I was pregnant I was going to have Bakura's child, as I walked out of the bathroom I walk to the living room as I see Bakura still sleeping as I go sit on top of his lap I poke his stomach, I giggle as I start poking his nose "blop" he growls opening his eyes as he sees me "ugh _y/n__ I was sleeping.." I look at him as I grab his hand "I have great news my king" he raises a eyebrow "huh? What good news?" I put his hand on my stomach as I blush "I'm pregnant with your child" his eyes widen looking at my stomach then back at me "really?" I nod smiling, he sits up hugging me fast smiling "that's great! I'm going to have a beautiful family!" I giggle hugging him back happily.
I smiled, we are going to be a great family, I just knew it. now for sure I'm staying in Japan. I couldn't go back home, I want to stay with Bakura. because I love him

((Sorry guys I been busy lately...

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