Where did he go?

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I woke up the next morning pretty late actually since it was a sunday, I turn around and wait Bakura wasn't laying next to me, I sit up on the bed "huh that's weird Bakura should be here and he always wakes up more late then me." I gasp" maybe his making breakfast" I jump out of bed walking to the kitchen as I got there I didn't see him neither, I started searching all over the house but no luck.
I went and sat down on the couch as I pouted "I guess his still busy and he did say he was going to be late this time.."
So I started my day making breakfast, Cleaning the house going shopping until it was midnight I took a shower and lay in bed " that's weird Bakura hasn't gotten home yet.." I sigh "I hope his okay " I lay in bed falling asleep
1 month passed ~
I sigh, I didn't know what to do Bakura hasn't gotten home yet.a month has passed and I haven't seen kaiba neither or any of the other guys, it was really boring without Bakura I missed him so much. Well there's was no other thing then to wait more I gasp I have forgotten something "i haven't called my family.." I grabbed the phone dialing the number
20 minutes pass
"I guess ima have to go back home next week.. vacation over.." I sigh standing up from the couch walking out the house I went to the nearest store and bought some ice cream since I was a really hot day. I walked home eating it.
It was really yummy as I got to the house I locked the door walking to the room I started putting all my things on bags, didn't wanted to do more work next week.
That week passes fast, it was the day I was leaving all ready. I grab my bags closing the door leaving the key hiding some place Bakura only knew about it, as I went walks to the airport I sigh "well it was a nice vacation I hope I can come again one day"
Few minutes passed as I got to the airport I was there a bit early so I had to wait as I stood against the wall I was looking around..then my eyes widen as I see that kid yugi with his friends coming to me I stood up straight walking to them "um _y/n_ was it?" I nod slowly "have you seen Bakura..?" He sighs and everyone looks away "no _y/n_ we haven't seen him we bearly came, but I see you have your bags, were are u going?" I looked down at my bags "im going back home..i just came for a visit.." he nods a bit " oh I see I understand" I sigh as they say the plane is ready, as I look at yugi "well if you see him please tell him I went back home, and sorry for everything Bakura has done to guys" I wave bye to them walking to the door and I see a boy excatly like Bakura standing close to the door looking at me as i was going to go to him but I had to before they closed the door as I hurry walking in the door going to the plane as I frown as I mumble
"Bye Bakura..."

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now