What am i going to do?

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((_y/n_ pov))

I was in the plane going back to USA, I sigh shaking my head I don't know why but that look like Bakura back there.. I rubbed my head "oh _y/n__ your just imagining stuff all ready, I guess I do need to go home and relax" I layed back closing my eyes.
Skip plane ride ~
I last I was home, I did kinda miss my home since all my family and friends live here. I smiled putting my arms up "today I will party, that will make me feel better"
As I got ready I called some friends they agree to party as well
5minutes passed as they got here and we left straight to downtown, were they say all the party there were always so cool.

((Bakura's pov))
I sat in the couch looking at the picture of me and _y/n_ this was the only thing left of her I sigh, "how can i bring her back..?" Akefia came and sat next to me holding something on his hand as he chuckled "I see you girl liked to use some sexy as underwear" my eyes widen grabbing them fast from him, blushing looking at her panties "Baka _y/n__.." i started thinking of a plan to bring her back or atleast find her. I whisper "I promise I'll get you back my queen~

I have fallen in love (bakura x reader)Where stories live. Discover now