a u t h o r ' s n o t e

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Copyright © 2021 by the-bookish-lass

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Greeting revered royals,

 Bringing to you the ℑ 𝔰𝔱 book of the ρяι∂є series...


A book, dedicated to my favourite epic, The Mahabharata. It revolves around the love story of greatest warriors that ever lived, The Pandavas and their pride, Panchaali Draupadi (aka my role model).

A story of love, powerplay, sacrifice, and war.

A story bitter and yet so sweet. 

By Yours Truly


*IMP* Must Read:

This story is a work of pure fiction and is not intended to hurt any individual's feelings. The plot of the story belongs to me and must not be re-published. I will be taking some happenings from the original epic which may or may not be substituted. I humbly repeat that this book is for entertainment purposes only, And is not calculated to hurt or disgrace anyone's beliefs and opinions. I do not own any characters which rightfully belong to the epic though a few characters of my own might be added. Kindly excuse my grammatical errors throughout the story. Will begin editing this book, once finished.

To Note:

 Devi Panchaali's Marriage takes place 1 year after her birth.

 In the following story, Drupad asks for the celestial 'Fire born twins' as children not out of vengeance for Drona but because after his wife died he had felt lonely and craved more children of his own.


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Criticism is always welcome but in a kind manner :)

Thank You!


Draupadi: The Pride of the PandavasWhere stories live. Discover now