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Nakul's Pov:

"Who are you?"  The girl in front of me asked. I felt another jolt of amusement, I mean THIS wasn't an everyday activity, and I'm definitely not letting this chance go without some fun.

"Who are you?" I asked back, firing her question back at her playfully as my brothers rolled their eyes at my childish antics.

She huffed, even though her face was not visible. I could practically feel her glaring daggers at me.

"I asked you first"

"Well I asked you second"

"T-That doesn't even make sense!"

"And you think, pinning an innocent man against the tree, out of blue with a sword at his neck, does?"

I stared amused at her as she struggled to find the right words.
My brothers on the other hand were grinning uncontrollably. The girl took in a long breath as if reflecting on his words.

"I was scared. Ok? I was scared!"

"Scared of what exactly, m'lady? The jungle of Hastinapur is enchanting and absolutely harmless. Even the creatures are friendly here. As long as you don't hurt them they don't hurt you" Bharata Arjun replied, firmly.

Hearing this the stiff posture of the lady in pink softened and restored to a shy, soft feminine outline.

"S-sorry, Actually to be honest I've never been allowed to explore the jungle, because-"

"Because you thought the jungle was inhabited by Junglee Savages, right princess?" Sahadev offered having us all snort.

"No really- Wait? why do you think I'm a princess?" She asked.

"Easy! You are dressed in rich silk garbs especially imported in kingdoms for high, royal members, and that emerald tiara, is defiantly not common for commoners" Bharata Bheem chirped, his muscular body lazily leaning on the tree trunk.

And to our further amusement, She stiffened up, Again.

"W-well, You're wrong!" She aired. "I-I am the royal handmaiden to the youngest princess of P-Panchaal. M-Malini! Yes. Malini. Now, you tell me, who are you?"

I raised my brow at the name of our rival kingdom. Geez, if anyone from the royal family knew we had come in the vicinity of a 'Panchal Vaasi' they'll have us bathe in milk twice a day for the whole month. Such deep was the enmity. Bharata Yudhisthir made his way towards the front to face the girl. His muscular, warrior self kindly towered over her small, petite figure.

"Pranipat Malini, We're from Hastinapur but who we are, we cannot reveal. You see, our kingdom and yours are not exactly on friendly terms, but rest assured we will not harm you" His was laced with warmth. We nodded at his words instantly.

Even though her face was covered we could feel her smile after hearing this, the vibes were infectious and so was the laughter that followed.

"Pranipat. Of course, I never believed in this all rivalry. Er- Pitashree actually used to tell me these bizarre stories about how terrible people of Hastinapur are, and you know I believed it too. I swore to myself that I'd rather die that talk to a person from Hastinapur but that is until-"

"Until?" Asked Sahadev piqued.

We found ourselves now roaming around the jungle just for leisure. Bathing in the sunlight and the cool breeze that blew across the jungle. It was until we all sat down comfortably below a huge banyan tree, Malini answered.

"Until, A friend of mine told me stories, stories about how brave the people of Hastinapur are. How great, wise and welcoming they are. He asked me to throw away the fear and leave space for chance. That sometimes the very next step after fear is a pleasant surprise."

"Sounds wise, this friend of yours. Who exactly is this Friend, may I ask? Changing a Panchal Nivasi's mind towards Hastinapur?" Bharata Arjun asked curiously. "No offense" he added hastily as the girl once again laughed merrily.

"None taken!" She declared lazily playing with the loose end of her screen and I swore I heard a flute playing as the person was named.

"Vasudev Krishna"

"Vasudev Krishna"

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