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Krishn's POV:

"Bhratashree!" Subhadra yelled in relief running to hug him. My arms automatically wrapped around my little sister.

"Sab mangal Subhadre? (All well Subhadre?)"

"No. No. No. Bhratashree! Nothing is well! Where were you?" Subhadra sobbed cluthing my angavastra to her chest. Her petrified form shook with cries.

Sighing, I watched my sister spill all the events that took place the night before. I caressed her head soothingly to calm her down.

Sometimes being the reincarnation of God himself was more of a curse than a blessing.
Having the power to know the future, alter the past and change the present.

He had always knew that Radha and he were never meant to be in this life yet he fell in love and had to see his very lifeline marry someone else in front of his eyes.

Just like he would be forced to watch his sakhi and her husband's struggle in the coming future.
How he'd be obliged to watch the six people so dear to him break apart completely.

All this while already knowing what the future held.

The sorrow that adorn others future had always weighed his heart, but currently the misfortune yet to befall the Pandavas and Panchaali crumbled him to no end.

I wiped my wet eyes.

In the end, It was fate.
Destiny is never something you desire, And it was their destiny that was going to mold their life. A destiny written in the stars for them by the almighty himself.
It was necessary for the six to break to realize their true potential and bring a end to all the Adharmis of this world. To reap out all evil of this world and reestablish righteousness. They were the vessels of God, the weapons of the creator to take this big step towards a new world.

And I? I was here to guide them.
To be their torchlight.
They had already taken their first step towards the ultimatum yesterday.

My eyes met Parths.

I could hear the thousands of questions running through his mind, but his eyes held a assurance as well. An assurance that he knew this event was unavoidable.
That this was all but destiny's cruel gameplay.

A smile graced my features. Of course, Whom more do I expect to understand me except my best friend in this situation?

I walked towards the Pandavas. Nakul and Sahadev immediately bent down to touch my feet.

"Kalyan Ho" I blessed.

Instantly the twins once again sat down besides their wife. Holding her hands in theirs. 

Admist the hurricane of sadness, a warmth filled my heart.
When a human truly devotes himself to the almighty, the love and sincerity is felt by him deep within.
Similarly when a human loves another just as much, the lord senses that equally as much.
Such was the power of true love.

His cousins love for his sakhi was overwhelming.
Even though their life would indeed be full of trials, at least they would be together. At least they would have each other as their biggest strength and
weakness till the end of time.
No doubt, History will forever remembered their names.

"Pranipat Jyest, Bhratashree Bheem" I bowed.

"Vasudev. I can't explain how glad I am to see you here. Only you can guide us in this situation.
Dear Lord, I'm aware that it's extremely wrong, for a woman to marry five men but we had no choice. If we didn't, our cousin died and Panchaali would have been tortured even more.
I'm Dharmaraj, Krishn. I am a pillar of righteousness for the subjects. Such a big incident would make people not only question my and my brothers upbringing but also defame the princess greatly. What are we to do in such a situation?"

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