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Arjun's POV:

My fingers for what seemed like the fifth time in the last one minute moved through her midnight tresses smoothing it out.
In all fairness. It helped calm him down, the intoxicating lotus scent provided him the slightest bit of comfort there was to give at the moment. Occasionally his hand automatically went down to check her pulse. 

She was their wife now. 

Draupadi Kuru. 

Kulvadhu of the Kuruvansh.

The name pleased his possessiveness immensely.

A name that proved to the world, that she was theirs.


Phalgun knew life had lots of thorns laid out for them. Their future was not going to be easy.
Their marriage was unusual. It was most definitely wrong,

-but it just felt so right.

He had always been the one with an ever impassive archer senses and high self control but Panchaali makes him chuck all that out of the window and lose himself had to toe in her divinity.

In her fiery personality.

In her lotus scented aura.

In her doe shaped eyes.

Somehow, Somehow deep within the marriage felt as if it was meant to be. Like it was written in the stars specifically for them.

Panchaali and The Pandavas.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. I was conflicted. 

I knew this was wrong. 

I knew I had committed sin. 

I knew I had basically ruined a woman's life and mine.

Then why? Why did he feel complete? Like that one missing part of his life had finally been found. Like, a big duty has been finally fulfilled on his behalf.

"Hay Madhav, Guide us. Help us.." I whispered rubbing my eyes in  exhaustion.
I knew not what had suddenly happened. Where the tribals had gone or how they'd gotten free but one thing was clear, that this was all gods doing. 

And the only person who'd be able to confirm why was Krishna. His Madhav.
The only one who would be able to guide them in this tricky situation.


My closed eyes jolted open at the weak whisper. My wife lay on my lap with partly opened eyes.
Her lips were dry and her voice hoarse. 

I delicately put her down on the cushions and held up a glass of water to her lips. 

Her puffy eyes looked at me. I put a hand tenderly on her back to support her while she drank.


"Yes Baby Girl?"

"It hurts."

"I know. J-Just hold on for a bit longer, yes? My brothers will be back anytime now" I kept glancing towards the door, Panchaali's falling body temperature had his anxiety flaring higher.

Where were they?


"Yes honey"

"It hurts so much."

"I'm so sorry it does baby, we're gonna cure you very soon, okay?" I tried to smile but it dropped as a red liquid trickled down her eyes. 

What the hell!

Draupadi: The Pride of the PandavasWhere stories live. Discover now