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Krishn's POV:

"Princess of Panchaal?!"

"Princes of Hastinapur?!"

I bit back laughter as both the parties stared at each other. Gaping with mouths wide open. Some royals they were. I coughed.

"Oh my, my. Dear ones, it seems like you already know each other. That's good...really good~" I tried hard but couldn't keep the smug from my voice down.

I felt Panchaali glare draggers at me. Ouch.
She knew I had planned this. That I knew of this little friendship all along.

"Uh..So, I'll um leave you to talk. Rukmini Priy! Haan, Mai aaya. Ruko zara..." I said faking an innocent tone. Quickly making a escape. I could feel the lot glaring at my back.

If looks could kill, I would have been dead by now but THIS.
This was definitely worth it.


Nakul's POV:

We watched as Vasudev quickly sprinted away smiling like a cat who just ate a canary. He had planned this! OF COURSE HE HAD!
But my mind was too busy to focus on anything but This girl. This goddess. This goddess on who he had developed a freaking a crush was the PRINCESS OF PANCHAAL! The enemy kingdom of Hastinapur!

Of course, he and his brothers weren't fools. The way she dressed, talked, and given her looks she was definitely not just some handmaiden but, they had told themselves, almost consoled themselves and their hearts that maybe she really was a handmaiden or some low noble. That, maybe HE had a chance. The great Nakul had never had a crush. Sure, girl's died for him and his looks but for him, it had always been harmless flirting, but with Malini...She had made him feel different, feel free, feel butterflies. Feel what it feels like to really really like someone...but here WE ARE! 

It was she who broke our staring competition. 

"Princes of Hastinapur, huh? That's quite a big secret now. Ain't it...?"

We dismounted our horses and faster than lightning all of us were towering over her. Our faces twisted angrily and our eyes forecast. 

"Princess of Panchaal? When were you gonna tell us, Malini? Or should we call you 'Draupadi'?" Bhraata Arjun growled looking down at the girl who stood with equal determination, refusing to back down.

Nakul groaned inwardly, she looked so damn attractive when she was angry. THIS. THIS confidence, THIS attitude of hers was what attracted him and no doubt his brothers towards the girl. 

My usually calm brother, Bhraata Yudhishthir too seemed to be in an inner conflict. His face didn't show it, but his eyes did. 

"Don't you dare change the subject Parth, of sorry, prince Arjun~"

I sighed angrily. This was going to get nowhere.

Bhraata Yudhisthir was always the one to get us out of such messy situations. He too seemed to realize this as he rubbed his eyes but before we could speak the sound of Bhraata Krishn's little sister's laughter filled the air. Subhadra rushed to greet us oblivious to the tension in the air.

Paanchali's mouth curved into a soft smile seeing the woman and her smile automatically made him smile.

Damn it! He sounded like a lovesick teenager.

Come on, Nakul, stop it! You've got a playboy reputation to uphold. Don't think about her, or her red pouty lips, her perfect button nose, or her dark eyes, or about how good she looks in the red and blue dress she was wearing...Screw that. She looks gorgeous in E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

A proud smile graced my face subconsciously at this thought.

Goddamn it! 

"Pranipat, Bhraata Nakul" Subhadra's voice pulled me out of my chain of thoughts as I turned towards her.
I smiled, she had grown even more prettier since the last time I saw her.

She unlike Panchaali was fully decked up from head to toe. She had always had a knack for dressing up. Panchaali just sported a pair of earrings, though to be honest. She could wear banana leaves for god's sake and still make people swoon.

 She could wear banana leaves for god's sake and still make people swoon

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Subhadra greeted us all, and then at last when she turned to Arjun colour flooded her cheeks, her lashes lowered shyly as she murmured a soft greeting

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Subhadra greeted us all, and then at last when she turned to Arjun colour flooded her cheeks, her lashes lowered shyly as she murmured a soft greeting.

She had saved him for the end, Nakul grinned.
It was so obvious. Her crush. On his elder brother. 

Bhraata Arjun too gave Subhadra a small smile and a quick one-side hug before turning his attention back to Panchaali, frowning.
Nakul understood the impatience.
All of them had grown very attached to the woman, it was difficult for them at the moment to absorb the information but they were gonna have a talk about this.

To hell with enemy kingdom! They can't afford to lose their relationship with her. 

The Pandava's protected what they cared about, and she was, no matter how dramatic it sounded, like a daily dose to the five brothers, An escapade to the five warriors from their family conflicts, political conflicts, everything...In the forest, they would just change the identities of their relations and ramble about the problems and would just sit there and listen...Listen to them for hours...Soothe them.
Understand them.
Advice them.
Tell them everything would be fine

They definitely can't lose her, they won't lose her for sure.

It appeared that his brothers were thinking the same thing as they looked at each other, equally determined.

(a/n: hope you all enjoyed the chapter if you did don't forget to vote and comment. love you all. stay safe. diya.)


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