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Panchaali's POV:

"-sakhi will definitely agree to this marriage."

I froze to the spot. Did I hear that right? Did my best friend just consent me to lead a married life with five men? Five princes of Panchaal's enemy kingdom? Shock paralyzed my body. No way did he just say those way.

When I woke up, Subhadra had informed me about Sakha's arrival. Relief flooded me. Surely, he would have an alternative to this messed up situation. After all how can a woman marry five men? 

Getting up. I hurriedly rushed towards the direction where the five Kuru Kumars stood along with Krishn. I thought everything was going to be back to normal now that sakha was here, only coming to this sentence spoken by the one I trusted with all my heart.



something broke inside me.

"Is that so? And why would I do that Sakha?"
My voice was hoarse. Frustration thrummed through me. All that crying and struggling had made my throat parched. My feet ached so bad. It was obvious, I required some good amount of rest but what about my parched heart? What about my aching feelings? No water or meditation held the power to soothe these emotions.

Sakha's turned to face me, my jewelry was laid out beside me when I had woken up. Since, I was still technically a bride, It was deemed wrong for me to walk around without any. They were still considered holy, so she had put them on just for the sake of rituals. 


"Kya Sakhi, Govind? Does being your friend give you the right to make such a promise to the five kuru kumar?" I bit back.

Guilt clawed it's talons at the harsh words from my lips, she trusted Krishn's judgment with all her heart and soul and if asked for it would even give up her life for him but now was not the time to dwell on emotions. If Krishn had indeed made such a decision on her behalf then she wanted to know why.

"Mujse gussa ho Sakhi?"

I rolled my eyes despite the tears collecting in it. There he goes again being all sweet. My gaze lifted to the five figures behind him, my husband's...An unusual feeling fluttered within. It was true she was unconscious most of the time after she was inserted with the drug but vague memories lingered. She remembered, How her Arya had whispered sweet nothings into her ears to keep her steady, How her Arya had made her the medicine, How her Arya had carried her, How her Arya had bathed her.

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