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Sahadev's POV:

I raised a brow at the foolish behavior of the impudent prince. 

Taking up weapons in of his sister's husbands? The princes of a kingdom as powerful as Hastinapur?
According to the law, this meant death sentence for the wife. The brother would be spared but the woman would be put through capital punishment.

He should thank the lords that this was them, he had withdrawn his sword at. Them, who would give up their lives before even a scratch grazed Malini.

"Bhratashree!" Panchaali yelled in horror. Freeing herself from Nakul's protective grasp, she ran towards her twin. "Bharatashree, ye aap kya kar rahe hain? They're my husbands, you're taking up weapons on you own brother in laws!"

She then turned glassy eyed towards us, seeking forgiveness on her brother's behalf and silently requesting us to put down our weapons.

A pang of guilt hit me. Damn it. Why was she always crying? Was she really this clueless to not perceive the effect those salty drops had on us?

Jyest glanced at us.
Wordlessly asking us to lower our weapons. 

Her brother had all the rights to question and get angry.
After all, he was her brother first and we were he husbands second but it's ragingly dumb of one to raise weapons on the side your OWN sister stands without a thought. 

"WHAT HUSBAND?" Drishtadyumna roared.

I sighed and mentally made a note to tie Keshav to a pole and carry him around for times like this.
Where even was he? Itna door toh nahi hai Dwarka.

"What HUSBAND Draupadi?" The crown price fumed. "Oh, sorry, HUSBANDS. I forgot you married not one but FIVE men!!"

Fresh tears rolled down my wife's eyes. Taken aback at the harshness of her brother. Her bottom lip wobbled..."B-bhratashree. Please."

My temper was beginning to take a slow rise. As touching, this family reunion was, NOBODY and I meant NOBODY not even Panchaali's brother had the right to yell at her as such. How dare he make her cry? 

I put a hand on Bhrata Vrikodar's shoulder as our brother-in-law turned around at us mockingly. We can't have Bhrata ticked of as well.

"Actually .. you know what? It's such a coincidence is it not? That you get bound to this disgusting matrimony and surprisingly the people turn out to be the infamous five princes of Hastinapur ... Do you all really think of me as such a dumb person? Think that don't know what's going on here?"

The word "disgusting" had me taking in deep breaths and my hand tightening on Bhrata Bheem's shoulder. Jyests hand joined mine on his other side.

Calm down, Dev. You can't kill your wife's brother. It's adharm ... mata rani ka paap lagega ... shaant , shaant.

"YOU FIVE BROTHERS! Your five pandavas are the ones to blame. You're the ones t-to probably brainwash my innocent sister into t-this situation. Heck, you even BRAINWASHED DWARKANARESH KRISHN!"

"Hamara dimag toh filhal aap wash kar rahe hain. That too with extra soap." I mumbled under my breath.
C'mon Vasudev. Kaha hai aap? Come and sort out shit with this ubalta hua hot pot.

"You're all manipulators! That's what you are!"

Arey? Tajuk ki baat hai? Did he not read the letter sent to Panchaal? It explained their situation in such detail and not to mention A-M-A-Z-I-N-G vocabulary. He was the one to write it after all. Vasudev had just acted as a mediator.

I was debating whether to walk over, sling my wife over the shoulder and walk away when Drishtadyumna grabbed Panchaali's wrist tugging her towards his horse.

"C'mon Draupadi. This marriage NEVER happened! These men are NOTHING to you! Understood?"

"B-bhratashree, please. Baat samjhne ki koshish kijiye." Draupadi begged trying to knock some sense into the Yuvraj.

Bhrata Yudhishthir met my gaze and nodded. It pleased me that we were on the same page.

It was about time to end this stupid drama. No man was allowed to manhandle their wife like this.

"NAHI SAMAJNA MUJHE DRAUPADI! I don't want to understand the reason, I don't want to analyze the reason nor do I want to know the reason. All I have infornt of me is this GODAMN result and I'm not going to let you turn your life because of this stupid stupid reason!" Drishtadyumna yelled, his voice cracking under the pressure.

The holy fire-borns blinked back tears.
Brother's eyes met the sisters.

Fire clashed with fire. Who will overpower who?
Both believed they were right ... but knew they were wrong.
How confusing was this bond.

For fire never clashes with Fire.
It merges into one.

A maniac laughter passed Drishtadyumna's lips. The look in his sister's eyes confirmed that she had decided to stay. To stay with those wicked Kure princes.

"You're not coming with me, are you?"

Draupadi's eyes lowered.

The well sculptured face paralling to that of his twin darkened. His eyes holding almost an insane look. It fell fleetingly on the mangalsutra resting on Panchaali's chest.

My hand tightened on my axe. He wouldn't dare, right..?

"What exactly makes you married to these men, sister? These symbols of marriage that you wear?" A dangerous glint shone in the eyes of the soon-to-be king. His fingers reached out to trace the holy ornament Panchaali adorned on her neck. "This mangalsutra? Right?"

"Bhratashree." This time her voice held no pleadings but a undertone of warning. A warning currently radiating from all six of us.

A horrified gasp of protest left Panchaali's lips as her brother tugged on the mangalsutra symbolically binding her to the five brothers. Before anyone, even the great fireborn warrior could perceive five weapons pointed at him.

A sword at the base of his neck.

An axe on the back of his neck.

An arrow on his bare face.

A spear on his spine.


A Mace on his head.

Drishtadyumna's hands froze in surprise, still wrapped tightly around the mangalsutra.

"I don't believe we introduced ourselves properly, Bhratashree." I growled. My usually meek voice dripping with dark promises. "We're the Pandavas. Your wife's husbands. Your brother in laws. Kuruvansh's heirs and non-hesitant killing machines. So, best you let that hand drop or who knows if you'll have one by the end of the next sixty seconds."


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