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Dhrishtadyumna's Pov:

I stifled a giggle as my twin sister ran across the halls with my elder sister tailing her with a distressed look. Along the way, Panchaali threw flowers, small pots and pans back towards Shikhandini jiji, who was dodging them by luck. "FOCUS YUVRAJ!" I hear the stern voice of my guruji. Sighing I turn my attention back to 'Vigyaan vidya' on which I've been struggling.

Meanwhile ...

*Scene changes to the royal court*

Courtier 1: Maharaj. Our enemy kingdom, Hastinapur has been flourishing a lot lately...

Courtier 2: And? ... What exactly is your point Akshash?

Courtier 1: Isn't that a bit too obvious Amir? Or is your brain too small to understand? My lord! Our enemy kingdom being healthy is to our disadvantage. Wars are to be expected from them! And we to avoid that must attack forehand.

Courtier 2: Nonsense, I understand, Hastinapur is a long-time enemy, Maharaj. But if Hastinapur is flourishing Panchaal is no less. With the precious prince and princess among us now, we should avoid war as much as possible. It is too early to introduce them to such violence.

Courtier 1: But Maharaj-

Maharaj Drupad: Silence! Amir is right Akshash, my youngsters are too young to experience such violence. Dhrishtadyumna may be quite mature to understand but my sweet little 'Panchu' is too pure. She must not know about-


Panchaali half yelled running to her father with a panting Shikhandi trailing behind. Shikhanidi froze on her track as she felt her father's cold questioning gaze on her clearly saying


"P-pitashree, S-she read about its name in the book and now s-she wants to know" Shikhandi stammered making Druapd sigh, he caressed the rosy cheeks of his youngest who sat at his feet with eyes full of innocence. "Tell na, baba? What is Hastinapur?! Why have I never heard of it before!" Panchaali whined. The court winced. The struggle was real.

"Uhm Hastinapur?" Drupad racked his brains. "Well, Hastinapur is a kingdom that is umm ... not our friend!"

"Cringe" someone coughed.

"Oh? And why's that?" Draupadi asked.

"Well umm ... because they're not very nice. They're bad and um-mean!"

"Is that so?" Draupadi asked her eyes wide as saucers.

"Oh yes! I have seen dangerous spirits and monsters lurking in their kingdom, And the people residing in the kingdom don't even have, PAYASM" Maharaj Drupad exclaimed dramatically, mentioning his daughter's favorite sweet.

Paanchali gasped in a equally dramatic, "Don't have Payasm? That's horrible!"

"Indeed" Druapad agreed and glared at the court to agree as well. Soon everyone was nodding is agreement.

"Baba...Where is this, Hastinapur?

"Beti, The jungle outside of Panchaal joins us with them, But Never! Never! Under any circumstances go off wandering in that jungle, It is said to be inhabited by jungle savages."

Draupadi gulped, Her eyes flickering as her father continued.

"They hang people by their toes, torture them and then, have them for LUNCH!"

Two tears made their way from Draupadi's eyes, trailing down her cheeks as she sniffed. Seeing this Drupad kissed his daughters cheeks, running his fingers soothingly through her long black tresses.

"But, I promise, I'll never let anyone hurt you my princess, now of you go for you dhanush vidya."

Draupadi's face stretched into a watery smile as she hugged her father, before running off to her Archery class. She had almost reached the door when her father's voice called her once again-


"Ji Pitashree?"

"Promise, You won't go wandering out of Panchaal towards 'The Jungle'?"



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