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Arjun's Pov:

The wind caressed my cheeks as I sat on the window sill of my private chamber, absentmindedly twidling with a piece of gold coin. The events of the day kept running along my mind-


Nakul teased holding up a big spider on the top of a very frightened Malini who was squealed with fright, running here and there, jumping from rocks and running between the trees followed by Nakul.

After their first meeting, the Pandavas and Malini had instantly hit off and conversations had flowed between the six. A silent pact of meeting here everyday at six had been instilled and since then a cherished friendship had bloomed among the jungles. They sat hours under the years' old banyan tree, munching on juicy fruits of the nearby trees and talking about their life, their troubles. The reserved panadavs almost poured out their whole life to her. Bits cemented with decoy names.

No, the Pandavas had still not revealed their identities and names, instead of their actual names they used the nicknames their friend and cousin krisha had given them in their childhood. This way their identities were well hidden and they didn't have to lie either, to Yudhishthirs immense relief, who never lied and was a strict follower of Dharma. Malini knew him by the name Kanka, Bheem by the name Vallaba, Arjun as Parth, Nakul as Granthika, and Sahadev by the name Tantipala. The girl, Malini, too had never taken off her veil but the six trusted each other like they had known each other forever cause it just seemed right. Like they were always meant to be. Though neither of them admitted to the strong connection and stomach full of butterflies.

Between their heart-to-heart talks, Malini, like the Pandavas, talked a great deal about her kingdom. Like how her brother was a great warrior or how the sweet the 'Kheer' of Panchal was and promised to bring some to them. She also had this weird assumption that they've never had kheer before.

The Pandavas too talked about Hastinapura, Its beautiful architecture, and Krishna! Who was both Malini and the Pandavas held in high regard.

Today too was the usual day, The sun was setting and they had to return to their own place soon. As Madri's youngest born and the Kunti's third added more wood to the small fire which was keeping them warm in the evening wind, Yudhishthira sat on the dry grass bathing in the fire scanning the pages of the book Malini had got for him, knowing his love for kingdoms and its policies. It was a book all about Panchaal's. Bheem was watching, Nakul and Malini with an amused expression as they both teased and taunted each other animatedly.

At last both Malini and Nakul, tired, huffing sat down beside the other four and helped themselves to some cool, river water from the rock pitcher.  Yudhishthir looked up at them.

"Malini?" he asked


"This book is wonderful! It's so detailed and precise. Thank you for this."

The dark-tressed female nodded.
"Your welcome, You can lend this to Tantipala afterward, he kept whining because I gave this book to you first and not him" She said amused as Sahadev narrowed his eyes, huffing.
We all bit back laughter began chatting but stopped soon enough seeing Nakul unusually quite for the first time.

"Kya hua Granthika, itna thak gaye ki ab bolne ki bhi shamta kho di?"

Nakul tapped his chin, thinking as if debating his words, and finally blurted out "Malini, tell us, how is the youngest princess of Panchaal?"

Taken aback by the sudden question, Malini laughed pleasantly and asked in a sly voice, "Why do you wanna know, Granthika? Fancy her, do we?"

All of us roared with laughter as Nakul blushed a hundred shades of red before pouting.

"Nothing like that, Malini, I don't even know what she's like or looks like" he grumbled as Malini wiped the corner of her eyes.

This time, Dhananjay too turned towards the girl and asked curiously.

"Actually, Malini, do tell us ... Is she, Is she really that beautiful? We've heard loads about her celestial beauty. They say she has the charms and beauty that can freeze the mightiest of warriors to the spot and has heads turning in a room. Black midnight eyes with fire-like glow, and that her heart so pure, it can cleanse the horrible of souls. It sounds exaggerated sure but this does not nearly suffice the lores following the princess."

All of a sudden all the five brothers turned their heads towards the girl, who was supposedly the handmaiden to the princess.

"Well, She is nothing that exaggerated obviously. And could be called pretty, I guess. I-I mean, I don't really talk to her a lot. Just tend to her needs and all. All I know is that she has a very loving family and is a gift of god" Panchaali finshed lifting her eyes towards the brothers who had frozen on spot. Their mouth half-open, and their gaze wide in wonder, like they've seen a goddess.

That is when she realized her veil had flown away in the wind, while she was distracted.

Arjun ran his hands through his hair, his breathing erratic. Her mesmerizing face flashed once again in his mind. Her cheekbones were highlighted naturally with her blushing crimson shade. Her pouty lips biting the the bottom shyly. Her thick lashes lowered and her midnight black eyes, gleaming in the fire. He and his brothers had stupidly stayed in their stupor till she hastily bid them goodbye and had rode back home on her horse. 

Arjun's heart thumped faster. The face again and again made its way to his mind. He was already attracted to her feisty personality now her looks made his stomach churn even more.

Groaning, he flopped down on his soft bed and lay there thinking...

"What is this new feeling?"

"What is this new feeling?"

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