not a chapter but what the hell

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Okay. *deep breaths*
This is going to be a very angry and disturbed rant but hear this out..

I was on wattpad, scrolling through some stories when this particular one caught my eye..
*I wish it didn't*

The story was about as you can guess from the title, the love story of Arjun and Subhadra

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The story was about as you can guess from the title, the love story of Arjun and Subhadra.
The story described it to have slight devi draupadi bashing, but I was like, that's okay. People have different opinions. I can bear a little bashing of my role model.

A Little?

My girl has a whole freaking chapter insulting, Yagyaseni, based on false rumors from the second hand serial scripts. That chapter doesn't even relate to the story. It just a rant insulting Panchaali.

I totally get it! You like Subhadra. You're obsessed with ARSU. We're cool with that but that doesn't nessecary mean you'll go ahead and insult the heroine of mahabharat.

So, I'd like to bebunk everything..


Listen well.

You begun your hating with a pathetic excuse as such

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You begun your hating with a pathetic excuse as such..
1) You're right, she supposedly guessed the guy was Arjun.
No she didn't. In the real mahabharata, she didn't even know it was Arjun. She never met him before but loved him because she was born for him. Her father specifically asked for her. He didn't deny the gods when receiving her. Though this is mentioned in some later versions not the original.

2) Karn was a SUTHPUTRA. A considered lower caste back then. Today, still in the 21st century caste system prevails even after being banned. Us samaye toh, Caste itself was the whole identity of a person. Besides, Karn had received the kingdom from his friend Duryodhan as CHARITY! He was not his own king but devoted to Duryodhan's misdeeds. He even came ahead to win Draupadi's hand for not himself but for DURYODHAN! She had every right to reject him, cause her heart too belonged to Arjun.
And according to the real mahabharat, the bow slipped from karna's hand. He was not rejected any so how.

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