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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my favourite writer here on wattpad! RadheyPanchaali, who alongside being a total inspiration is also an amazingly supportive friend. Thank you so much di! You're marvelous, I really admire you and your writing. Huge fan, right here! ~Diyaa)


Third Person's Pov:

"Jiji?" The fire-born princess asked looking up from the bundles of bulk books that surrounded her.
"Hm?" Shikhandi hummed hidden beneath the huge pile of scrolls, yet another day of being the eldest child and army general. She had duties, lots of duties!

'Which kingdom is this?' Panchaali gushed curiously pushing the book forward towards her elder sister. Shikhandi shot a lazy glance towards the book ushered forwards. The silver-lined book was filled with pictures of beautiful waterfalls, gardens, and majestic architectures, and besides was the flag of the capital.

"Oh? This place? That's Hastinapur" Shikhandi said returning to her work.

A second passed. 


She gasped realizing what she had done. She mentally cursed herself for being so careless as the theoretically 2-month-old but physically eighteen year old girl in front of her innocently tilted her head at the unknown name. Sure, A lot of things were unknown to her but the midnight-haired girl was a quick learner, by now she had memorized the name, geography, and flourishment of every kingdom that resides in the entire Aryavarta. "Hastinapur? What's a Hastinapur?" Panchaali asked as the warrior princess ahead of her shuffled nervously in her palace. 

Drupad had asked everyone not to mention anything about Hastinapur to the two fire-borns as with the name came hatred and enmity. Drupad thought that it was too early for the two to find out but Drishtadyumna being a mature youth since birth had already found out and now was struggling to hide it from his beloved twin sister with whom he shared everything. 

"Uh, Nothing! T-That's none of your business Panchu, Forget it! Go back to your book" Shikhandi ushered making Panchaali pout. Curiosity has always been her companion and was never satisfied till answered. "NO! I wanna know! If you won't tell me, Jiji, then father will! Pitashree! Pitashree" Panchaali shot up from her seat, rushing towards the royal court where her father was, Followed by Shikhandi's desperate yells to stop.

"Little did she know this very word was going to be her entire future"

"Little did she know this very word was going to be her entire future"

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