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Bheem's POV:

I fought against the magic as us brothers were collectively thrust inside a dingy cellar. The kalajadu was heavy in us, making it difficult for us to even move with ease. 

"Mate with your wife! And don't think of being too smart, we'll be watching." The tribal warned for the last time before marching out.

A growl of frustration left my lips.
Where even was their wife? They hadn't seen her since she was dragged away in her unconscious state.

"Shite. Jyest Bhrata, What should we do now?" Nakul asked Yudhisthir. His steady voice barely masking the inner agony he felt.

Bheem understood.
He always did. To people they might appear as five but they were in the end one. He would die and kill for his brothers and as much as he wouldn't want them too, he knew they would do the same without a thought.

Nakul and Sahadev had always been the sensitive ones, given the youngest and pampered. Such a big incident must've shook them greatly.

I put an arm around them.
"I'm sure Jyest will have a solution, Nakul. Don't worry. We'll be okay."

Seeing them nod relaxed me to a certain extent but when my eyes locked with Arjun and Bhraata Yudhisthir I knew they too were at loss of the situation. 

Just what was the way out? 

A sudden whimper had our heads turning towards the corner of the dark room. A bed came into view. Bheem felt disgusted at at white mattress. No doubt to collect Panchaali's Virgin blood. What he saw next had him paling.
Chained to the bed was their wife. Sitting pressed to the wall with her chin on her knees.

In a flash, I was by her side. Carrying unnaturally cold and limp body in my arms.

"Panchaali!" collective shouts of horror echoed around the room. What had those monsters done to their girl? 

Fresh tears rolled down my eyes as I scanned her chalky face and bloodshot eyes.

Sahadev was quick to check her pulse, while Nakul took a small blood sample of her finger with a needle.


Hearing Nakul curse rose my hackles.

"Kya hua Nakul? What's wrong with Malini?" Jyest asked, at the moment he might sound the calmest but the undertone of fear was evident in it.

They were all were scared. Terrified. Not for themselves, no, but for the person in front of them.

Their friend.

Their wife.

"Jyest. This drug. P-Panchaali has been ejected with a fatal drug. If not treated in time, she'll die. It's a drug made specifically for women. It messes with their body and slowly poisons it."

Static ringed in my ears. What? The only thing I heard was fatal drug and die.

His Panchaali? Die?

No way.

He'd die before letting this happen.

My grip on the girl tightened.

"Arya?" A pained whisper left her mouth.

"Yes flower, I'm here. Your Arya is here." I cooed. 

She looked at us with wide panicked eyes.

"Arya, Arya. It hurts, It hurts! Arya!"

"Shh, I know baby girl, I know j-just hold on there for a bit longer" Arjun pacified running his hand through her locks in a soothing manner turning to look pleadingly at the sons of Ashwini Kumar.

"I don't know what to do Bhrata! The only way to provide her relief is to mate with her but she dies anyways and if we don't do that the pain will just keep increasing and rupture her organs" Sahadev sobbed looking at their wife. 

Helplessness gripped us as reality slapped us hard across the face. Will we really not even be able to save our wife? 

What kind of husbands would that make them? 

What kind of men would that make them?

I knew if the girl in my arms died, a part of me would die with her. The guilt of her death will choke me alive, haunting me forever. 


Please Lord. Help us.


My mind reeled with thoughts when a sudden blast was heard. 

Instantly all us five brothers went on taunt mode, our warrior instincts roaring at any danger that decided to approach their sickly wife. 

A few minutes passed. Nobody came. Nothing happened but all of a sudden I felt my heavy arms light again as if the black magic had been lifted. I felt more fresh and alert. One look at my brothers confirmed the very same.

Jay Hanuman!
The Gods had listened to their prayers. I mumbled a quick prayer of thank you to the almighty.

Maybe they would be able to save Panchaali after all. A spark of hope flickered within him.

He quickly handed the frail girl to Arjun and landed a heavy blow on the gate. It smashed into pieces. 

We bolted out to see no one around. Just a heavy silence. Sparing no thoughts we hurried to a nearby hut. Laying Panchaali on the bed, We searched around for a cure to the poison. 

"Yes!" Sahadev exclaimed after a few minutes, holding up a stalk of blue flowers.


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"Bhratashree. See these blue flowers? They're not ordinary flowers. They were given to the tribe for by Bramhadev who felt sorry for his curse. This flower holds the capacity to cure someone of any poison, disease or injury. It grows in the center of their village. Just a bottle is bound to cure Panchaali!"

Relief flooded my system.
Yes! Just hold on a bit longer, Princess.

"Jyest. Let me go get it fast" I pleaded inching towards the door but was stopped by Bhratashree.

"Bheem. Nakul, Sahadev and I will go and collect the herbs. You hurry to the cellars and rescue Subhadra. Who knows what her condition is. Arjun will stay here to look after Malini."

Though reluctant to leave Panchaali behind I nodded hesitantly. Glancing one last time towards my wife, I made my way towards the cells and began to search for our cousin. Finding her in one of the cell had his worries lessening.

Once her cries of surprise and horror had ended, he informed about Panchaali's state and what event took place.

"S-she got married to all five of you?" Came the shocked reply.

Before I could answer, the petrified shout of Arjun echoed the empty night.


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