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Karenumati's POV:

Night time had always been his favourite.

"The only time when I find solace, in this busy world." He had confined to her laughingly.

Since then, it had been her favourite time of the day as well. Every night looking up at the moon and wondering if he too was looking at it at that very moment.

After all , they shared the same sky.

'I love you'

She wanted to yell at him.

'I love you and only you, since the day I met you'

She wanted to whisper.

But alas, never did she have the courage.

Or perhaps

It was the look in his eyes when he regarded her that made her ...

... hesitant.

The same look with which he regarded every other woman in his life except his own mother.

A simple look politeness and respect.

Nothing more. 

Never more.

Sometimes the frustration used to get the better of her. Watching him shamelessly flirt with other princesses.

'oh I hate that man , I hate that man' My mind yelled.

'but oh cara mia , how I love him' My heart whispered.

So, when the wedding invitation arrived, She had refused to believe it.

She had denied it.

But that alone couldn't deny the names craved together in gold on the invitation.

Panchaali Draupadi
Kuruvanshi Nakul

"F-Five men? Marrying a single woman?"

Her family turned to face her.

Vijaya's eyes softened.

"Karenu." She whispered.

"It appears so, Daughter," Her father sneered, haughtily cutting of his youngest child. "That the kuru family has been playing games with us."

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