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Panchaali's Pov:

I sat on my bed. Smoothing out my tresses with almond oil.
Staring at the moon outside, I let my thought wander to the last few months. Which had been some of the very best in my life, all because of her five friends

Ah yes, the word, Friends. For the first time despite knowing the word, it felt foreign to her tongue. They all were certainly more than friends to her, but what exactly? 

She simply adored Kanka's witty and straightforward way, Vallaba's loving and playful nature, Parth's caring and firm attitude, Granthika's teasing and flirty behavior, and lastly, Tantipala's smart but fun-loving conduct. 

Looks never did mattered to her, she believed it as her dharma to treat everyone with equal kindness, but DAMN SISTER! Don't even let her begin on THEIR LOOKS. The very word, Good-looking would fall short to describe them. They looked Godly~

The Tall, Muscular, Warrior built figure. Those deep hazel eyes,  the smooth curve of their jawlines, the FLAWLESS tan, and their similar signature smirk

Gods, They were to die for ... like literally.

Panchaali blushed red as she buried her face in the pillow at this thought. 

"Shut up Panchaali. Do not think so indecently about your friends!" Her chided.

"Friends? Are they really?"  Her heart argued.

I sighed. Resuming to oil my hair. These days, it seemed like her mind and heart were in constant war with each other.

"None of that matter! They are from Hastinapur!'

"Oh shut up! Love doesn't see no kingdom."

'"Seriously? Love? In love with whom? Five men? That's absurd! You most certainly don't think we're is in love with five men, do you?"

This time, my heart didn't answer but my mouth did-

"I'm in love with five freakin men"

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