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Arjun's POV:

My eyes roamed appreciatively at the golden angel that hung from the silver lined ceiling. People back from where he was from, had really failed to mention the beauty of the royal Panchaal architecture. It was beautiful. Hell, he'd go ahead and admit it was more elegant than Hastinapur's imperial Palace.

Lunch had been an awkward affair. Us five brothers, and Maharaj Drupad accompanied by Drishtadyumna and Shikhandi had dined together.

Just when the silence had begun to grow on us. Maharaj Drupad had abruptly got up and left. The tension had once again peaked. The siblings had stayed with us but left soon after finishing the meal.

"Don't worry Pandavas. We'll come around...soon, I hope."

Had been the last words of Princess Shikhandini and apparently, the last the Kuruvanshi's heard from the Panchaala family all evening.

The moon was high now..Not being able to sleep, Arjun had snuck out of their chambers and had been aimlessly wandering around the never-ending hallways.


He was OFFICIALY getting married tommorow.

Like, on legal terms.

They had been so preoccupied with their strange marriage circumstances, a part of them had forgotten to be nervous about the fact MARRIAGE itself.

Now that he'd had some time to clear his head, anxiety had slowly begun to sink.




To the most beautiful lady known to Aryavartha. 

Probably the whole universe.

What if they weren't able to fulfill all her wishes? She was after all, The beloved daughter of Drupad.

What if they had a fight? How would the brothers console her?

What if she gets tired of the marriage?

What if she has a fight with one brother? Should the other brother take her side or the side of their own brother?

So lost in thoughts, I felt a body collide with mine. My arms automatically wrapped around the waist, preventing the other person to have a meet and greet with the floor.

"Arya" The person gasped.

"Ah , Panchaali."

The word Arya rolled seamlessly of her tongue. As if it had always belonged there. A unknown sense of possessiveness clouded my mind. A sense recently discovered my his mind ever since meeting the girl in his arms.

Momentarily forgetting all the previous tenssion, My grip on the soft waist of hers tightened.



Smirking, I picked her up bridal style and began walking towards the backyard garden.

"Eek!" The princess of Panchaal squeaked amusingly playing the part of a mouse caught by its predator. "Arya, put me down. Koi dekh lega!"

I peered down at her heart face. My gaze traveled along the perfect nose down to those lips...those pink...plum lips.

I shook the thought away. Bad Dhananjay!

Hoping she hadn't noticed my blush, I lowered her down on the marble bench in the corner.

Draupadi: The Pride of the PandavasWhere stories live. Discover now