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Bheem's POV:

"Damn you Nakul!" I yelled chucking my baju bandh at him.

Ducking the object, the eldest son of Madri sprinted out of the room and into the balcony.

I closed my eyes, regulating my temper to not smash my brother's frame into a pillar.


My eyes looked otowards the direction Jyest was being prepared for the marriage. He raised a unimpressed brow at me to which I groaned, not wanting to relay to him, the conversation between Nakul and I.

"Nakul. Come back inside and get ready. Do not trouble the maids as such." I heard Bhratashree call. I glared at the sheepishly re-entering form of my brother.

Low snickers of Arjun and Sahadev came from my right. 

Getting decked in jewellries was a boring affair, A fight on the other hand ... not so much.

The vein in my head popped. God knows how on earth these idiots are related to me by blood. 

Deep breaths, Bheem.

Forcing myself to turn my murderous gaze way from Nakul. I looked straight into the mirror, trying my best to forget the events that had followed a simple and innocent, Bhratashree.



"You're so strong."

A proud smile graced Vrikodar's face, "Sure am."

Nakul's handsome face broke into a impish grin. Quickly surveying around for any eavesdropper, Nakul leaned in to whisper in my ears. "Bhratashree. Then, naturally it is expected of you to be strong in bed as well."

I chocked on the lassi I was drinking. My eyes wide


Where on earth did this question arise from all of a sudden?

"Nakul! What the heck dude?" I raged, lowering my tones, and risking a sneak back at my maid in attending. Praying she hadn't heard Nakul's idiocy. 

The maid just gave me a flustered and bashful smile. I sighed. She probably hadn't. 

"Bhratashree. Idhar mere taraf  dekhiye. You're getting married today, it's no time to look at another woman." 


Before I could curse the hell out of him. Nakul held up a finger for silence. I watched him cautiously as he produced a book from beneath the table. 


Poor lassi. Never just reaching the stomach without getting chocked upon.

I looked around widely to see if Jyest had noticed this act of Nakul's but he seemed thoroughly immersed in some scriptures. Arjun and Sahadev were busy fixing their wedding angvastras. The maid like most maids appeared to not be literate enough to translate cause her hands remained busy in fixing my hair. 

I sighed again. All this sighing made me feel old but if being Nakul is what to be young is like, I was fine being a old man.

Looking back at the book, I stared at it with un-empathic eyes and then stared at Nakul, waiting for him to get a hint remove that thing out of my sight.

Instead, to my growing annoyance, I found my brother unwilling to my demand. 

"Bhratashree, I take it that you know what this book is about. So, I will not elaborate further. Here you go. You can keep it , for future references ... maine padh rakhi hai."

It suprised me greatly how I still hadn't thrown this sorry ass brother of mine out of the window.

Maybe, the meditation jyest had suggested was bearing it fruits.

"I don't need it" I growled.

"Tsk, Tsk, But you do Bhratashree. We all require the basic knowledge of love making. How to make a lady especially your lady, feel good and since you're my favourite brother. I'm entrusting this precious thing to you."

"Nakul!" I blushed. "IT just happens y'know. You don't need to read about IT."

An unimpressed expression fluttered into Nakul's face contrasting my flushed one.


"Yes, IT!"

"You mean, sex."

I was pretty sure, I was radiating off steam at this point. 

"Yes, that."


This time Nakul was the one sighing. Dramatically placing his hand on my shoulder, he looked me in the eyes. "You're right. Sex happens bhratashree, but good sex? It needs depth. It need KNOWLEDGE and this book, Kamasutra, will be a fresh breeze. Trust me."

note to self:

the last thing to ever do - trust nakul

"Nakul." I groaned. "Please just get this thing AWAY from me". 

I was already red enough from the graphic cover. Might as well turn into a tomato when actually opening it. 

Another dramatic sigh and finalyyyyyy he walks away. "Fine. As you wish ... Sahi kehte hai. Ignorance is bliss." 

I rubbed my temples. 

At last. 

A moment of peace.

"Bhratashree. At least please tell me you're well-endowed-"

"Damn you Nakul!" I yelled chucking my baju bandh at him.


author's note:

I'm very sorry for the late updates guys .. its just that my pre-boards are around the corner and there's just so much on my plate right now. i'll try my best to update soon and be excited for it yeah? cause we'll finally get a glimps of the *drumroll pls* KURU PARIVAR! and when the kuru family is involved, drama can't be far behind. (im just such a sucker for drame. lol).




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