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Shikhandi's POV:

The priests poured more offerings to the fire. My father followed them by throwing in a plate full of Abeer and made his first wish "May my daughter's character be as pure and fair as this, Abeer, and be deemed the purest in the whole universe".

Thunder rumble across the sky and lightning flashed brilliantly. 

"Like this wheat!" My father continued making his second wish. "Like this wheat, May she have the strength to give courage to others in the worst of situations. In the most dread of problems may her heart remain determined and continue to spread the aura of justice, Such a daughter is what I seek, oh mighty one!" In when another sacrifice in the holy fire.

"This Gulaal never changes its colour. May she have such steadfast valour, May she never be afraid or hold back to speak her mind! Her words itself should become her weapon" Drupad declared as he threw a plate of red Gulaal into the fire.

The flames grew higher and the wind began to blow on an uneven scale. 

I could feel the surrounding change as my father spoke those words. At this point doubts were beginning to take place in my mind, How can a single woman have all these qualities? Will the gods be able to provide my father with such a Daughter? These thoughts swirled in my mind as my father added an offering of Kumkum in the fire and spoke up,
"Nothing in this whole universe is more beautiful than this Kumkum here, May my daughter just like this Kumkum be the most beautiful woman in this universe and amplify the beauty of other's as well. May her beauty remains unmatched on heaven and earth"

The time seemed to slow down with each word spoken. My hands felt clammy as a divine sensation filled the atmosphere. It was as if God itself had com down to earth. I watched nervously as my father made his last wish.

"May my daughter like these lotuses be kind and innocent but like these roses may she be fiery, strong and keep spreading the fragrance of righteousness!"

Golden lightning contrasted beautifully with the deep blue sky. 

We all watched with bathed breaths as slowly the orange heat took a form.  A maiden. 

Both Heaven and earth shook as the maiden took her first step on earth.

The strong scent of flowers filled the air followed by the melody of the flute

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The strong scent of flowers filled the air followed by the melody of the flute. 

Brilliantly golden-brown Complexioned and dark-eyed; with long tresses fragrant of the blue lotus. Long delicate fingers with a natural alta design were folded gracefully before her delicate bosom. Her Lotus-like eyes with long lashes held a burning fire contrasted with her flawless glowing skin. Her slender, proud and tall hourglass figure moved out of the yagna, cladded in a piece of blood-red cloth that amplified even more to her heavenly complexion. 

It was as if a Goddess itself had come down to the mortal realm. The sky had seem to come alive. The Gods showered their blessings on the fire born. The heavens equally celebrated the her birth.

A prophecy echoed. . .

"Drupad!" Maharishi Upyaaj exclaimed, His voice taking a omni-potent tone.
"Here stands your daughter! The gods have given her the name Krishnaa and as your daughter and the princess of Panchaal she shall be known as Panchaali Draupadi. This woman is the best of her kind, whose beauty, innocence and purity is unmatched in the whole universe! She will be the destruction of all evil in Aryavartha and go down in time as one of the greatest people that ever lived. The incarnation of Goddess Shree, Sachi, Annapurna and Kali, for she is a god sent maiden. Someone whose thoughts will burn as bright as fire and whose words will be like fire-tipped arrows."

I watched as my sister bowed respectfully towards Rishi Yaaj and Upjaay who blessed her, still in awe at the divinity.
Her pink lips curved into a grin when Father embraced her and blessed her the same. Followed by Drishtadyumn. 

My eyes felt moist as she made her way towards me. Before she could touch my feet, I pull her to a hug as well. Fresh tears rolled down my eyes. I will protect the jewel with my life. My own sister to protect and cherish.
A little sister! It was like a dream come true. 

I caressed her soft, light pink cheeks and proudly spoke up her name given the maharishis-



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