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Bhishma's POV

[le readers: finally (┬┬﹏┬┬)]

I felt Vidur tense next to me as Panchaal came to view. I spared him a brief glance before looking back out of the chariot window.

The last few hours of chaos in the royal family was more than what he'd experienced his whole life ...

That being said, was a LOT.

Cause, After all he was a Kuruvanshi, and they were a dramatic ass family. (cue: no lie by dua lipa)

But this time it was different cause even his usual calm died with every word read out by the Panchal messenger.

His five grandsons.

The gems of Hastinapur.

The future of Kuru.

Were ALL getting married to the princess of Panchaal...?

The hell?

Dhritarashtra was quick to fly into rage. Disbelieve marrying his features like any other in the court.

A abdication message to hang the messenger for the cruel joke wasn't far behind.

Surely, it was a joke.

But the message which arrived just a few minutes after through the officiated hawk of the family bearing the unmistaken seal of the Kuru justified the same.

What happened next was too quick to decipher.

The King collapsed on his throne muttering something about how he always knew the Pandavas will ruin Kuruvansh.

Shakuni spared no moment to drag Duryodhan and plot against the Princes. Duryodhan just went with the flow, still a bit surprised at the turn of events.

It wasn't even the marriage that surprisedveryone just had the same question in their mind...
Five men marrying a single woman?

It was momentarily forgotten that the woman they were marrying was the princess of an enemy kingdom.

Kunti had fainted the moment the letter was read out and was now being comforted by Gandhari and Dushala.

What did I tell you..?

Dramatic AF.

To say I wasn't anxious would be a lie. In fact, I was VERY perturbed.

Cause, no doubt this act was adharm. A very big wrong.

As the son of Ganga, it was my duty to uphold dharma and as the son of Shantanu it was my duty to uphold dharma for the kuruvansh. It wouldn't matter that it was his family who were in the wrong.

And as a influence holding family, a just punishment would have to be put out in opposition to this act in order to hold up your rank in the society.

Helplessness churned his insides as he could all but have hope in his grandsons and believe the news fake till he's confronted the five.


Panchaali's POV

"Pranipat, Kumari, The Princess of Chedi is here, and is seeking for you.."

Panchaali looked at her handmaiden through the mirror as she gently tapped tint to her pink lips.

"The princess of Chedi?" Rukmani frowned. "Why is she here?"

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